blob: 9ae6ee6caf87f6cababe24d7f4dfea1e405a2c5f [file] [log] [blame]
\ Tethering tools - lets you run CForth on a host system (Linux or Windows)
\ and talk over a serial port to a small communications stub running on a
\ target system. Via that channel, the host CForth can access target memory
\ and call target C subroutines by address, passing arguments and returning
\ the result. The target subroutine addresses can be found in the target
\ application's symbol table.
\ The C code for the target-resident communications stub is in commstub.c
h# 10 buffer: tbuf
\ Receive a byte from the target serial line, timing out after
\ a configurable number of milliseconds
d# 1000 value trcv-timeout-ms
: trcv ( -- b )
tbuf 1 trcv-timeout-ms timed-serial-read 1 <> abort" Read timed out"
tbuf c@
\ Send a byte over the target serial line
: tsend ( b -- ) tbuf c! tbuf 1 serial-write ;
\ Receive a 32-bit number from the target serial line.
\ Reception ends when an ACK (c0) is received.
\ If there is no number, just an ACK, tread returns 0.
: tread ( -- n )
0 begin ( n )
trcv ( n byte )
dup h# c0 and h# c0 <> ( n byte flag )
while ( n )
dup h# 80 and if ( n byte )
nip h# 7f and ( n' )
else ( n byte )
swap 7 lshift or ( n' )
then ( n )
repeat ( n byte )
dup h# 3f and if ( n byte )
." Bogus command " ( n byte )
dup .x cr ( n byte )
then ( n byte )
drop ( n )
\ 32-bit numbers are sent over the serial line piecewise.
\ A byte of the form 10nn.nnnn pushes the stack and sets
\ the top of stack to the 6-bit value nnnnnn.
\ A byte of the form 0mmm.mmmm left-shifts the top of stack
\ by 7 and merges the 7-bit value mmmmmmm into the low bits.
\ You start with the 10nn.nnnn form then send however many
\ 0mmm.mmmmm's as necessary to construct the number.
\ At the end you can either send a command or start another
\ number.
\ Send the first byte of a number - 10nn.nnnn form
: send0 ( u -- ) h# 3f and h# 80 or tsend ;
\ Send a subsequent byte with 7 bits - 0mmm.mmmm form
: send1 ( u -- ) h# 7f and tsend ;
\ Send two subsequent bytes encompassing 14 bits
: send2 ( u -- ) dup 7 rshift send1 send1 ;
\ Send three subsequent bytes encompassing 21 bits
: send3 ( u -- ) dup d# 14 rshift send1 send2 ;
\ Push a 32-bit number onto the target stack, using as few serial
\ bytes as possible.
: tpush ( n -- )
dup h# 40 u< if send0 exit then
dup h# 2000 u< if dup 7 rshift send0 send1 exit then
dup h# 100000 u< if dup d# 14 rshift send0 send2 exit then
dup h# 8000000 u< if dup d# 21 rshift send0 send3 exit then
dup d# 28 rshift send0 dup d# 21 rshift send1 send3
: tcmd ( cmd -- result ) tsend tread ;
\ Basic target operations
\ Pops and returns the top of the target stack
: tpop ( -- tval ) h# c7 tcmd ;
\ Read a 32-bit number from target address tadr
: t@ ( tadr -- tval ) tpush h# c1 tcmd ;
\ Read a 16-bit number from target address tadr
: tw@ ( tadr -- tval ) tpush h# c2 tcmd ;
\ Read an 8-bit number from target address tadr
: tc@ ( tadr -- tval ) tpush h# c3 tcmd ;
\ Write a 32-bit number to target address tadr
: t! ( tval tadr -- ) swap tpush tpush h# c4 tsend ;
\ Write a 16-bit number to target address tadr
: tw! ( tval tadr -- ) swap tpush tpush h# c5 tsend ;
\ Write an 8-bit number to target address tadr
: tc! ( tval tadr -- ) swap tpush tpush h# c6 tsend ;
\ Tell the target communications stub to exit
: texit ( -- )
h# c8 tsend
tbuf 1 d# 1000 timed-serial-read 1 = if
tbuf c@ dup h# c0 if
drop ." Tether loop reconnected" cr
[ifdef] display
." Displaying" cr
\ Execute the target subroutine at tadr and wait for ACK, but
\ do not return a result value. Subroutine arguments must
\ already have been pushed onto the target stack.
: texec0 ( tadr -- ) tpush h# e0 tcmd drop ;
\ Execute the target subroutine at tadr and wait for ACK,
\ returning the subroutines result value. Subroutine arguments
\ must already have been pushed onto the target stack.
: texec1 ( tadr -- tval ) tpush h# e1 tcmd ;
\ Push the address of the first target scratch buffer onto the
\ target stack.
: tscratch0 ( -- ) h# c9 tsend ;
\ Push the address of the second target scratch buffer onto the
\ target stack.
: tscratch1 ( -- ) h# ca tsend ;
\ Send len bytes from host address adr to the target.
\ Before calling this you must first push onto the target stack
\ the target destination address where the bytes will go, i.e.
\ with tscratch0, tscratch1, or by pushing an explicit address.
: tout ( adr len -- )
dup tpush h# cb tsend ( adr len )
bounds ?do i c@ tsend loop
\ Tell the target to send len bytes and receive them into host
\ memory at adr. Before calling this you must first push onto
\ the target stack the target source address for the bytes, i.e.
\ with tscratch0, tscratch1, or by pushing an explicit address.
: tin ( adr len -- )
dup tpush h# cc tsend ( adr len )
bounds ?do trcv i c! loop ( )
: tmove-in ( tadr hadr len -- ) rot tpush tin ;
: tmove-out ( hadr tadr len -- ) swap tpush tout ;
: tin-s0 ( hadr len -- ) tscratch0 tin ;
: tin-s1 ( hadr len -- ) tscratch1 tin ;
: tout-s0 ( hadr len -- ) tscratch0 tout ;
: tout-s1 ( hadr len -- ) tscratch1 tout ;
: sync ( -- )
\ Discard any queued characters
begin tbuf 1 1 timed-serial-read 0<= until
h# cd tcmd drop
: /scratch ( -- n ) h# ce tcmd ;
alias tp tpush \ For interactive convenience
\ Local memory buffer used by various commands below
h# 80 buffer: local-buf
\ Target memory dumpers - tdump, twdump, and tldump
also hidden
\ : td.2 ( adr len -- ) bounds ?do i c@ .2 loop ;
: tread16 ( adr -- ) tpush local-buf d# 16 tin ; \ Helper
: tdln ( adr -- ) \ Helper
??cr dup 8 u.r 2 spaces tread16 ( )
local-buf 8 d.2 space ( )
local-buf 8 + 8 d.2 space ( )
local-buf d# 16 bounds do i c@ emit. loop
\ Dump target memory as bytes
: tdump ( tadr len -- )
base @ -rot hex .head dup 0= if 1+ then
bounds ?do i tdln exit? ?leave d# 16 +loop
base !
: tl-dln ( tadr -- ) \ Helper
??cr dup 8 u.r 2 spaces tread16 ( )
local-buf d# 16 bounds do i @ .8 4 +loop space
local-buf d# 16 bounds do i c@ emit. loop
\ Dump target memory as 32-bit longwords
: tldump ( tadr len -- )
push-hex l.head
bounds ?do i tl-dln exit? ?leave d# 16 +loop
: .4 ( n -- ) <# u# u# u# u# u#> type space ; \ Helper
: tw-dln ( tadr -- ) \ Helper
??cr dup 8 u.r 2 spaces tread16 ( )
local-buf d# 16 bounds do i w@ .4 2 +loop space
local-buf d# 16 bounds do i c@ emit. loop
: w.head ( tadr len -- tadr len ) \ Helper
swap dup h# fffffff0 and
swap h# f and d# 10 spaces
d# 16 0 do 2 spaces i ?.n 2 +loop space
d# 16 0 do i ?.a loop rot +
\ Dump target memory as 16-bit halfwords
: twdump ( tadr len -- )
push-hex w.head ( tadr len )
bounds ?do i tw-dln exit? ?leave d# 16 +loop