blob: ee9ddaa15c4f51d1aac44ae3684686038c1230fc [file] [log] [blame]
* arch/aarch64/boot.S - simple register setup code for stand-alone Linux booting
* Copyright (C) 2012 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE.txt file.
#include <linkage.h>
#include "common.S"
.section .init
cpuid x0, x1
bl find_logical_id
beq err_invalid_id
bl setup_stack
* EL3 initialisation
mrs x0, CurrentEL
cmp x0, #CURRENTEL_EL3
b.eq 1f
mov w0, #1
ldr x1, =flag_no_el3
str w0, [x1]
b start_no_el3
1: mov x0, #0x30 // RES1
orr x0, x0, #(1 << 0) // Non-secure EL1
orr x0, x0, #(1 << 8) // HVC enable
/* Enable pointer authentication if present */
mrs x1, id_aa64isar1_el1
/* We check for APA+API and GPA+GPI */
ldr x2, =((0xff << 24) | (0xff << 4))
and x1, x1, x2
cbz x1, 1f
orr x0, x0, #(1 << 16) // AP key enable
orr x0, x0, #(1 << 17) // AP insn enable
/* Enable TME if present */
mrs x1, id_aa64isar0_el1
ubfx x1, x1, #24, #4
cbz x1, 1f
orr x0, x0, #(1 << 34) // TME enable
/* Enable FGT if present */
mrs x1, id_aa64mmfr0_el1
ubfx x1, x1, #56, #4
cbz x1, 1f
orr x0, x0, #(1 << 27) // FGT enable
/* Enable ECV2 if present (allows CNTPOFF_EL2) */
mrs x1, id_aa64mmfr0_el1
ubfx x1, x1, #60, #4
cmp x1, #2 1f
orr x0, x0, #(1 << 28) // ECV enable
/* Enable MTE if present */
mrs x10, id_aa64pfr1_el1
ubfx x10, x10, #8, #4
cmp x10, #2 1f
orr x0, x0, #(1 << 26) // ATA enable
#ifndef KERNEL_32
orr x0, x0, #(1 << 10) // 64-bit EL2
msr scr_el3, x0
msr cptr_el3, xzr // Disable copro. traps to EL3
mov x0, xzr
mrs x1, id_aa64dfr0_el1
ubfx x1, x1, #32, #4
cbz x1, 1f
// Enable SPE for the non-secure world.
orr x0, x0, #(0x3 << 12)
// Do not trap PMSNEVFR_EL1 if present
cmp x1, #3 1f
orr x0, x0, #(1 << 36)
1: mrs x1, id_aa64dfr0_el1
ubfx x1, x1, #44, #4
cbz x1, 1f
// Enable TRBE for the non-secure world.
ldr x1, =(0x3 << 24)
orr x0, x0, x1
1: mrs x1, id_aa64dfr0_el1
ubfx x1, x1, #52, #4
cbz x1, 1f
// Enable BRBE for the non-secure world.
ldr x1, =(0x3 << 32)
orr x0, x0, x1
1: msr mdcr_el3, x0 // Disable traps to EL3
mrs x0, id_aa64pfr0_el1
ubfx x0, x0, #32, #4 // SVE present?
cbz x0, 1f // Skip SVE init if not
mrs x0, cptr_el3
orr x0, x0, #CPTR_EL3_EZ // enable SVE
msr cptr_el3, x0
mov x0, #ZCR_EL3_LEN_MAX // SVE: Enable full vector len
msr ZCR_EL3, x0 // for EL2.
msr cntfrq_el0, x0
bl gic_secure_init
b start_el3
b .
* Drop to the kernel
* x0: entry address
* x1-x4: arguments
mov x19, x0
mov x20, x1
mov x21, x2
mov x22, x3
mov x23, x4
msr sctlr_el1, x0
msr sctlr_el2, x0
cpuid x0, x1
bl find_logical_id
bl setup_stack // Reset stack pointer
ldr w0, flag_no_el3
cmp w0, #0 // Prepare Z flag
mov x0, x20
mov x1, x21
mov x2, x22
mov x3, x23
b.eq 1f
br x19 // No EL3
1: mov x4, #SPSR_KERNEL
* If bit 0 of the kernel address is set, we're entering in AArch32
* thumb mode. Set SPSR.T accordingly.
bfi x4, x19, #5, #1
msr elr_el3, x19
msr spsr_el3, x4
.align 3
.long 0