blob: 9adf70b3267ec96ac35da4fd31dda6bd3059e426 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# A simple Flattened Device Tree Blob (FDT/DTB) parser.
# Copyright (C) 2014 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE.txt file.
use warnings;
use strict;
use integer;
package FDT;
# Tokens. These will appear (big endian) in the FDT stream.
use constant {
FDT_BEGIN_NODE => 0x00000001,
FDT_END_NODE => 0x00000002,
FDT_PROP => 0x00000003,
FDT_NOP => 0x00000004,
FDT_END => 0x00000009,
use constant {
TOK_SIZE => 4,
sub parse
my $class = shift;
my $fh = shift;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
my $header = FDT::Header->parse($fh) or goto failed;
seek($fh, $header->{off_dt_struct}, 0);
my $tree = FDT::Node->parse($fh, $header) or goto failed;
$self->{header} = $header;
$self->{tree} = $tree;
return $self;
warn("Unable to parse FDT");
return undef;
# All tokens (32-bit) are must be naturally aligned, and any arbitrarily sized
# data must be padded with zeroes to 32-bit alignment. We swallow the padding
# here so as to not have to duplicate the logic elsewhere.
sub read_padded_data
my $fh = shift;
my $len = shift;
my $off = tell($fh);
read($fh, my $data, $len) == $len or goto failed;
if ($len % FDT::TOK_SIZE != 0) {
$len %= FDT::TOK_SIZE;
seek $fh, (FDT::TOK_SIZE - $len), 1;
return $data;
warn "Failed to read padded data";
seek $fh, $off, 0;
return undef;
sub skip_token
my $fh = shift;
my $expected = shift;
my $curp = tell($fh);
read($fh, my $rawtok, FDT::TOK_SIZE) == FDT::TOK_SIZE or goto failed;
if (unpack("N", $rawtok) == $expected) {
return $expected;
seek $fh, $curp, 0;
return undef;
sub skip_nops
my $fh = shift;
while (defined(skip_token($fh, FDT::FDT_NOP))) {
# do nothing
sub get_root
my $self = shift;
return $self->{tree};
package FDT::Header;
use constant {
LEN => 40,
sub parse
my $class = shift;
my $fh = shift;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
read($fh, my $raw_header, FDT::Header::LEN) == FDT::Header::LEN or goto failed;
) = unpack("NNNNNNNNNN", $raw_header);
if ($self->{magic} != FDT::Header::MAGIC) {
warn "DTB header magic not found";
goto failed;
return $self;
warn "Unable to parse header";
return undef;
sub read_strings
my $self = shift;
my $fh = shift;
my $size = $self->{size_dt_strings};
seek($fh, $self->{off_dt_strings}, 0);
read($fh, $self->{strings}, $size) == $size or warn "Unable to read strings";
sub get_string
my $self = shift;
my $off = shift;
return unpack("Z*", substr($self->{strings}, $off));
package FDT::Node;
sub parse_name
my $fh = shift;
my $curp = tell($fh);
my $raw_name = "";
my $name = "";
do {
read($fh, my $buf, FDT::TOK_SIZE) == FDT::TOK_SIZE or goto failed;
$raw_name .= $buf;
$name = unpack("A*", $raw_name);
} while (length($raw_name) == length($name));
return $name;
warn "failed to read string";
seek $fh, $curp, 0;
return undef;
sub parse
my $class = shift;
my $fh = shift;
my $header = shift;
my $parent = shift;
my $curp = tell($fh);
FDT::skip_token($fh, FDT::FDT_BEGIN_NODE) or goto failed;
my $name = parse_name($fh);
my $self = bless {}, $class;
$self->{name} = $name;
$self->{parent} = $parent;
$self->{properties} = {};
while (my $prop = FDT::Property->parse($fh, $header)) {
$self->{properties}{$prop->{name}} = $prop;
my @children = ();
my $child;
for (;;) {
$child = FDT::Node->parse($fh, $header, $self);
last if (not defined($child));
push (@children, $child);
$self->{children} = \@children;
FDT::skip_token($fh, FDT::FDT_END_NODE) or goto failed;
return $self;
seek $fh, $curp, 0;
sub is_compatible
my $self = shift;
my $string = shift;
my $compat_prop = $self->{properties}{"compatible"};
return undef if (not defined($compat_prop));
my @compatible = $compat_prop->read_strings();
for my $compat (@compatible) {
return $self if ($string eq $compat);
sub find_compatible
my $self = shift;
my $string = shift;
my @found = ();
if ($self->is_compatible($string)) {
push @found, $self;
for my $child (@{$self->{children}}) {
push @found, $child->find_compatible($string);
return @found;
sub find_by_device_type
my $self = shift;
my $type = shift;
my @found = ();
my $selftype = $self->get_property("device_type");
if (defined($selftype)) {
if($selftype->read_string_idx(0) eq $type) {
push @found, $self;
for my $child (@{$self->{children}}) {
push @found, $child->find_by_device_type($type);
return @found;
sub get_full_path
my $self = shift;
my $cur = $self;
my @elems = ();
# root node
if (not defined($cur->{parent})) {
return '/';
while (defined($cur->{parent})) {
unshift @elems, $cur->{name};
unshift @elems, '/';
$cur = $cur->{parent};
return join ('', @elems);
sub get_property
my $self = shift;
my $name = shift;
return $self->{properties}{$name};
sub get_num_reg_cells
my $self = shift;
my ($acp, $scp);
my ($ac, $sc);
$acp = $self->get_property("#address-cells");
$scp = $self->get_property("#size-cells");
return undef if (not defined($acp) && defined($scp));
$ac = $acp->read_u32_idx(0);
$sc = $scp->read_u32_idx(0);
return ($ac, $sc);
sub translate_address
my $self = shift;
my $addr = shift;
my $parent = $self->{parent};
# root node require no translation
return $addr if (not defined($parent));
my $ranges = $self->get_property("ranges");
if (not defined($ranges)) {
warn ("Missing ranges on " . $self->{name} . ", idmap assumed");
return $addr;
# An empty ranges property means idmap
return $addr if ($ranges->{len} == 0);
my ($ac, $sc) = $self->get_num_reg_cells();
my ($pac, $psc) = $parent->get_num_reg_cells();
if (not defined($ac) && defined($sc) && defined($pac) && defined($psc)) {
warn "Missing #address-cells or #size-cells";
return undef;
my $rc = $ac + $pac + $sc;
if ($ranges->num_cells() % $rc != 0) {
warn("Malformed ranges property");
return undef;
for (my $off = 0; $off < $ranges->num_cells(); $off += $rc) {
my ($cba, $pba, $len) = $ranges->read_cell_list($off, [$ac, $pac, $sc]);
next if ($cba > $addr or $addr >= $cba + $len);
return $addr - $cba + $pba;
warn "Did not find valid translation";
return undef;
sub get_untranslated_reg
my $self = shift;
my $idx = shift;
my $parent = $self->{parent};
my ($ac, $sc) = $parent->get_num_reg_cells();
my $reg = $self->get_property("reg");
my $off = $idx * ($ac + $sc);
return undef if ($off + $ac + $sc > $reg->num_cells());
return $reg->read_cell_list($off, [$ac, $sc]);
sub get_translated_reg
my $self = shift;
my $idx = shift;
my $parent = $self->{parent};
my ($addr, $size) = $self->get_untranslated_reg($idx);
return undef if (not defined($addr) && defined($size));
for (my $parent = $self->{parent}; $parent; $parent = $parent->{parent}) {
last if (not defined($addr));
$addr = $parent->translate_address($addr);
return ($addr, $size);
package FDT::Property;
sub parse
my $class = shift;
my $fh = shift;
my $header = shift;
my $curp = tell($fh);
my $self = bless {}, $class;
FDT::skip_token($fh, FDT::FDT_PROP) or goto failed;
read ($fh, my $rawprop, 8) == 8 or goto failed;
my ($len, $nameoff) = unpack("NN", $rawprop);
$self->{name} = $header->get_string($nameoff);
if ($len != 0) {
$self->{data} = FDT::read_padded_data($fh, $len);
goto failed if ($len and not defined($self->{data}));
$self->{len} = $len;
return $self;
seek $fh, $curp, 0;
return undef
sub num_cells
my $self = shift;
return $self->{len} / FDT::CELL_SIZE;
sub read_cells_off
my $self = shift;
my $off = shift;
my $cells = shift;
my $fmt;
# We only support u32 and u64 values
if ($cells == 1) {
$fmt = "N";
} elsif ($cells == 2) {
$fmt = "Q>";
} else {
return undef;
$off *= FDT::CELL_SIZE;
my $raw = substr($self->{data}, $off);
return unpack($fmt, $raw) if (defined($raw));
return undef;
sub read_u32_idx
my $self = shift;
my $idx = shift;
return $self->read_cells_off($idx, 1);
sub read_u64_idx
my $self = shift;
my $idx = shift;
return $self->read_cells_off($idx * 2, 2);
sub read_cell_list
my $self = shift;
my $off = shift;
my $cells = shift;
my @ret;
for (@{$cells}) {
my $val = $self->read_cells_off($off, $_);
push @ret, ($val);
$off += $_;
return @ret;
sub read_strings
my $self = shift;
return split('\0', $self->{data});
sub read_string_idx
my $self = shift;
my $idx = shift;
my @strings = $self->read_strings();
return $strings[$idx];