blob: 7c0830e6a48cd639524c1d91c3a242d1d06e5670 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
* Copyright (c) 2020, Martin Botka
/* Mermaid uses sdm636, but it's different ever so slightly
* that we can ignore it for the time being. Sony also commonizes
* the Ganges platform as a whole in downstream kernels.
#include "sdm630-sony-xperia-ganges.dtsi"
/ {
model = "Sony Xperia 10 Plus";
compatible = "sony,mermaid-row", "qcom,sdm636";
qcom,msm-id = <345 0>;
qcom,pmic-id = <0x1001b 0x101011a 0x00 0x00 0x1001b 0x201011a 0x00 0x00 0x1001b 0x102001a 0x00 0x00>;