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% future/HTMtableRCU.tex
% SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0
& \multicolumn{2}{c||}{Locking with RCU or Hazard Pointers} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Hardware Transactional Memory} \\
Basic Idea
& \multicolumn{2}{p{2.2in}||}{
Allow only one thread at a time to access a given set of objects.}
& \multicolumn{2}{p{2.2in}}{
Cause a given operation over a set of objects to execute
atomically.} \\
& $+$
& Handles all operations.
& $+$
& Handles revocable operations. \\
& &
& $-$
& Irrevocable operations force fallback (typically
to locking). \\
& $+$
& Readers limited only by grace-period-wait operations.
& $\Downarrow$
& Limited by irrevocable operations, transaction size,
and deadlock. \\
& $-$
& Updaters limited by deadlock. Readers reduce deadlock.
& (Assuming lock-based fallback code.) \\
Scalability \& Performance
& $-$
& Data must be partitionable to avoid lock contention among
& $-$
& Data must be partionable to avoid conflicts. \\
& $+$
& Partitioning not needed for readers.
& \\
& $\Downarrow$
& Partioning for updaters must typically be fixed at design time.
& $+$
& Dynamic adjustment of partitioning carried out
automatically down to cacheline boundaries. \\
& $+$
& Partitioning not needed for readers.
& $-$
& Partitioning required for fallbacks (less important
for rare fallbacks). \\
& $\Downarrow$
& Updater locking primitives typically result in expensive cache
misses and memory-barrier instructions.
& $-$
& Transactions begin/end instructions typically do not
result in cache misses, but do have memory-ordering
consequences. \\
& $+$
& Update-side contention effects are focused on acquisition and
release, so that the critical section runs at full speed.
& $-$
& Contention aborts conflicting transactions, even
if they have been running for a long time. \\
& $+$
& Readers do not contend with updaters or with each other.
& \\
& $+$
& Read-side primitives are typically wait-free with low
overhead. (Lock-free for hazard pointers.)
& $-$
& Read-only transactions subject to conflicts and rollbacks.
No forward-progress guarantees other than those supplied
by fallback code. \\
& $+$
& Privatization operations are simple, intuitive, performant,
and scalable when data is visible only to updaters.
& $-$
& Privatized data contributes to transaction size. \\
& $-$
& Privitization operations are expensive (though still intuitive
and scalable) for reader-visible data.
& \\
Hardware Support
& $+$
& Commodity hardware suffices.
& $-$
& New hardware required (and is starting to become
available). \\
& $+$
& Performance is insensitive to cache-geometry details.
& $-$
& Performance depends critically on cache geometry. \\
Software Support
& $+$
& APIs exist, large body of code and experience, debuggers operate
& $-$
& APIs emerging, little experience outside of DBMS,
breakpoints mid-transaction can be problematic. \\
Interaction With Other Mechanisms
& $+$
& Long experience of successful interaction.
& $\Downarrow$
& Just beginning investigation of interaction. \\
Practical Apps
& $+$
& Yes.
& $+$
& Yes. \\
Wide Applicability
& $+$
& Yes.
& $-$
& Jury still out, but likely to win significant use. \\
\caption{Comparison of Locking (Augmented by RCU or Hazard Pointers) and HTM (``$+$'' is Advantage, ``$-$'' is Disadvantage, ``$\Downarrow$'' is Strong Disadvantage)}
\label{tab:future:Comparison of Locking (Augmented by RCU or Hazard Pointers) and HTM}