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% future/htm.tex
\section{Hardware Transactional Memory}
\label{sec:future:Hardware Transactional Memory}
As of early 2012, hardware transactional memory (HTM) is starting to emerge
into commercially available commodity computer systems.
This section makes a first attempt to find its place in the parallel
programmer's toolbox.
From a conceptual viewpoint, HTM uses processor caches and speculative
execution to make a designated group of statements (a ``transaction'')
take effect atomically
from the viewpoint of any other transactions running on other processors.
This transaction is initiated by a
begin-transaction machine instruction and completed by a commit-transaction
machine instruction.
There is typically also an abort-transaction machine instruction, which
squashes the speculation (as if the begin-transaction instruction and
all following instructions had not executed) and commences execution
at a failure handler.
The location of the failure handler is typically specified by the
begin-transaction instruction, either as an explicit failure-handler
address or via a condition code set by the instruction itself.
Each transaction executes atomically with respect to all other transactions.
HTM has a number of important benefits, including automatic
dynamic partitioning of data structures, reducing synchronization-primitive
cache misses, and supporting a fair number of practical applications.
However, it always pays to read the fine print, and HTM is no exception.
A major point of this section is determining under what conditions HTM's
benefits outweigh the complications hidden in its fine print.
To this end, Section~\ref{sec:future:HTM Benefits WRT to Locking}
describes HTM's benefits and
Section~\ref{sec:future:HTM Weaknesses WRT Locking} describes its weaknesses.
This is the same approach used in earlier
but focused on HTM rather than TM as a whole.\footnote{
And I gratefully acknowledge many stimulating
discussions with the other authors, Maged Michael, Josh Triplett,
and Jonathan Walpole, as well as with Andi Kleen.}
Section~\ref{sec:future:HTM Weaknesses WRT to Locking When Augmented} then describes
HTM's weaknesses with respect to the combination of synchronization
primitives used in the Linux kernel (and in some user-space applications).
Section~\ref{sec:future:Where Does HTM Best Fit In?} looks at where HTM
might best fit into the parallel programmer's toolbox, and
Section~\ref{sec:future:Potential Game Changers} lists some events that might
greatly increase HTM's scope and appeal.
Finally, Section~\ref{sec:future:Conclusions}
presents concluding remarks.
\subsection{HTM Benefits WRT to Locking}
\label{sec:future:HTM Benefits WRT to Locking}
The primary benefits of HTM are
(1)~its avoidance of the cache misses that are often incurred by
other synchronization primitives,
(2)~its ability to dynamically partition
data structures,
and (3)~the fact that it has
a fair number of practical applications.
I break from TM tradition by not listing ease of use separately
for two reasons.
First, ease of use should stem from HTM's primary benefits,
which this section focuses on.
Second, there has been considerable controversy surrounding attempts to
test for raw programming
and even around the use of small programming exercises in job
This indicates that we really do not have a grasp on what makes
programming easy or hard.
Therefore, this section focuses on the three benefits listed above,
each in one of the following sections.
\subsubsection{Avoiding Synchronization Cache Misses}
\label{sec:future:Avoiding Synchronization Cache Misses}
Most synchronization mechanisms are based on data structures that are
operated on by atomic instructions.
Because these atomic instructions normally operate by first causing
the relevant cache line to be owned by the CPU that they are running on,
a subsequent execution
of the same instance of that synchronization primitive on some other
CPU will result in a cache miss.
These communications cache misses severely degrade both the performance and
scalability of conventional synchronization
mechanisms~\cite[Section 4.2.3]{Anderson97}.
In contrast, HTM synchronizes by using the CPU's cache, avoiding the need
for a synchronization data structure and resultant cache misses.
HTM's advantage is greatest in cases where a lock data structure is
placed in a separate cache line, in which case, converting a given
critical section to an HTM transaction can reduce that critical section's
overhead by a full cache miss.
These savings can be quite significant for the common case of short
critical sections, at least for those situations where the elided lock
does not share a cache line with an oft-written variable protected by
that lock.
Why would it matter that oft-written variables shared the cache
line with the lock variable?
If the lock is in the same cacheline as some of the variables
that it is protecting, then writes to those variables by one CPU
will invalidate that cache line for all the other CPUs.
These invalidations will
generate large numbers of conflicts and retries, perhaps even
degrading performance and scalability compared to locking.
} \QuickQuizEnd
\subsubsection{Dynamic Partitioning of Data Structures}
\label{sec:future:Dynamic Partitioning of Data Structures}
A major obstacle to the use of some conventional synchronization mechanisms
is the need to statically partition data structures.
There are a number of data structures that are trivially
partitionable, with the most prominent example being hash tables,
where each hash chain constitutes a partition.
Allocating a lock for each hash chain then trivially parallelizes
the hash table for operations confined to a given chain.\footnote{
And it is also easy to extend this scheme to operations accessing
multiple hash chains by having such operations acquire the
locks for all relevant chains in hash order.}
Partitioning is similarly trivial for arrays, radix trees, and a few
other data structures.
However, partitioning for many types of trees and graphs is quite
difficult, and the results are often quite complex~\cite{Ellis80}.
Although it is possible to use two-phased locking and hashed arrays
of locks to partition general data structures, other techniques
have proven preferable~\cite{DavidSMiller2006HashedLocking},
as will be discussed in
Section~\ref{sec:future:HTM Weaknesses WRT to Locking When Augmented}.
Given its avoidance of synchronization cache misses,
HTM is therefore a very real possibility for large non-partitionable
data structures, at least assuming relatively small updates.
Why are relatively small updates important to HTM performance
and scalability?
The larger the updates, the greater the probability of conflict,
and thus the greater probability of retries, which degrade
} \QuickQuizEnd
\subsubsection{Practical Value}
\label{sec:future:Practical Value}
Some evidence of HTM's practical value has been demonstrated in a number
of hardware platforms, including
Sun Rock~\cite{DaveDice2009ASPLOSRockHTM} and
Azul Vega~\cite{CliffClick2009AzulHTM}.
It is reasonable to assume that practical benefits will flow from the
more recent IBM Blue Gene/Q, Intel Haswell TSX, and AMD ASF systems.
Expected practical benefits include:
\item Lock elision for in-memory data access and
\item Concurrent access and small random updates to large non-partitionable
data structures.
However, HTM also has some very real shortcomings, which will be discussed
in the next section.
\subsection{HTM Weaknesses WRT Locking}
\label{sec:future:HTM Weaknesses WRT Locking}
The concept of HTM is quite simple: A group of accesses and updates to
memory occurs atomically.
However, as is the case with many simple ideas, complications arise
when you apply it to real systems in the real world.
These complications are as follows:
\item Transaction-size limitations.
\item Conflict handling.
\item Aborts and rollbacks.
\item Lack of forward-progress guarantees.
\item Irrevocable operations.
\item Semantic differences.
Each of these complications is covered in the following sections,
followed by a summary.
\subsubsection{Transaction-Size Limitations}
\label{sec:future:Transaction-Size Limitations}
The transaction-size limitations of current HTM implementations
stem from the use of the processor caches to hold the data
affected by the transaction.
Although this allows a given CPU to make the transaction appear atomic to
other CPUs by executing the transaction within the confines of its cache,
it also means that any transaction that does not fit must be aborted.
Furthermore, events that change execution context, such as interrupts,
system calls, exceptions, traps, and context switches either must
abort any ongoing transaction on the CPU in question or must further
restrict transaction size due to the cache footprint of the other
execution context.
Of course, modern CPUs tend to have large caches, and the data required
for many transactions would fit easily in a one-megabyte cache.
Unfortunately, with caches, sheer size is not all that matters.
The problem is that most caches
can be thought of hash tables implemented in hardware.
However, hardware caches do not chain their buckets (which are normally
called \emph{sets}), but rather
provide a fixed number of cachelines per set.
The number of elements provided for each set in a given cache
is termed that cache's \emph{associativity}.
Although cache associativity varies, the eight-way associativity of
the level-0 cache on the laptop I am typing this on is not unusual.
What this means is that if a given transaction needed to touch
nine cache lines, and if all nine cache lines mapped to the same
set, then that transaction cannot possibly complete, never mind how
many megabytes of additional space might be available in that cache.
Yes, given randomly selected data elements in a given data structure,
the probability of that transaction being able to commit is quite
high, but there can be no guarantee.
There has been some research work to alleviate this limitation.
Fully associative \emph{victim caches} would alleviate the associativity
constraints, but there are currently stringent performance and
energy-efficiency constraints on the sizes of victim caches.
That said, HTM victim caches for unmodified cache lines can be quite
small, as they need to retain only the address:
The data itself can be written to memory or shadowed by other caches,
while the address itself is sufficient to detect a conflicting
\emph{Unbounded transactional memory} (UTM)
use DRAM as an extremely large victim cache, but integrating such schemes
into a production-quality cache-coherence mechanism is still an unsolved
In addition, use of DRAM as a victim cache may have unfortunate
performance and energy-efficiency consequences, particularly
if the victim cache is to be fully associative.
Finally, the ``unbounded'' aspect of UTM assumes that all of DRAM
could be used as a victim cache, while in reality
the large but still fixed amount of DRAM assigned to a given CPU
would limit the size of that CPU's transactions.
Other schemes use a combination of hardware and software transactional
memory~\cite{SanjeevKumar2006} and one could imagine using STM as a
fallback mechanism for HTM.
However, to the best of my knowledge, currently available systems do
not implement any of these research ideas, and perhaps for good reason.
\subsubsection{Conflict Handling}
\label{sec:future:Conflict Handling}
The first complication is the possibility of \emph{conflicts}.
For example, suppose that transactions~A and~B are defined as follows:
Transaction A Transaction B
x = 1; y = 2;
y = 3; x = 4;
Suppose that each transaction executes concurrently on its own processor.
If transaction~A stores to \co{x} at the same time that transaction~B
stores to \co{y}, neither transaction can progress.
To see this, suppose that transaction~A executes its store to \co{y}.
Then transaction~A will be interleaved within transaction~B, in violation
of the requirement that transactions execute atomically with respect to
each other.
Allowing transaction~B to execute its store to \co{x} similarly violates
the atomic-execution requirement.
This situation is termed a \emph{conflict}, which happens whenever two
concurrent transactions access the same variable where at least one of
the accesses is a store.
The system is therefore obligated to abort one or both of the transactions
in order to allow execution to progress.
The choice of exactly which transaction to abort is an interesting topic
that will very likely retain the ability to generate Ph.D. dissertations for
some time to come, see for
Liu's and Spear's paper entitled ``Toxic
Transactions''~\cite{YujieLiu2011ToxicTransactions} is
particularly instructive in this regard.}
For the purposes of this section, we can assume that the system makes
a random choice.
Another complication is conflict detection, which is comparatively
straightforward, at least in the simplest case.
When a processor is executing a transaction, it marks every cache line
touched by that transaction.
If the processor's cache receives a request involving a cache line that
has been marked as touched by the current transaction, a potential
conflict has occurred.
More sophisticated systems might try to order the current processors'
transaction to precede that of the processor sending the request,
and optimization of this process will likely also retain the ability
to generate Ph.D. dissertations for quite some time.
However this section assumes a very simple conflict-detection strategy.
However, for HTM to work effectively, the probability of conflict must
be suitably low, which in turn requires that the data structures
be organized so as to maintain a sufficiently low probability of conflict.
For example, a red-black tree with simple insertion, deletion, and search
operations fits this description, but a red-black
tree that maintains an accurate count of the number of elements in
the tree does not.\footnote{
The need to update the count would result in additions to and
deletions from the tree conflicting with each other, resulting
in strong non-commutativity~\cite{HagitAttiya2011LawsOfOrder,Attiya:2011:LOE:1925844.1926442,PaulEMcKenney2011SNC}.}
For another example, a red-black tree that enumerates all elements in
the tree in a single transaction will have high conflict probabilities,
degrading performance and scalability.
As a result, many serial programs will require some restructuring before
HTM can work effectively.
In some cases, practitioners will prefer to take the extra steps
(in the red-black-tree case, perhaps switching to a partitionable
data structure such as a radix tree or a hash table), and just
use locking, particularly during the time before HTM is readily available
on all relevant
How could a red-black tree possibly efficiently enumerate all
elements of the tree regardless of choice of synchronization
In many cases, the enumeration need not be exact.
In these cases, hazard pointers or RCU may be used to protect
readers with low probability of conflict with any given insertion
or deletion.
} \QuickQuizEnd
Furthermore, the fact that conflicts can occur brings failure handling
into the picture, as discussed in the next section.
\subsubsection{Aborts and Rollbacks}
\label{sec:future:Aborts and Rollbacks}
Because any transaction might be aborted at any time, it is important
that transactions contain no statements that cannot be rolled back.
This means that transactions cannot do I/O, system calls, or debugging
breakpoints (no single stepping in the debugger for HTM transactions!!!).
Instead, transactions must confine themselves to accessing normal
cached memory.
Furthermore, on some systems, interrupts, exceptions, traps,
TLB misses, and other events will also abort transactions.
Given the number of bugs that have resulted from improper handling
of error conditions, it is fair to ask what impact aborts and rollbacks
have on ease of use.
But why can't a debugger emulate single stepping by setting
breakpoints at successive lines of the transaction, relying
on the retry to retrace the steps of the earlier instances
of the transaction?
This scheme might work with reasonably high probability, but it
can fail in ways that would be quite surprising to most users.
To see this, consider the following transaction:
1 begin_trans();
2 if (a) {
3 do_one_thing();
4 do_another_thing();
5 } else {
6 do_a_third_thing();
7 do_a_fourth_thing();
8 }
9 end_trans();
Suppose that the user sets a breakpoint at line 3, which triggers,
aborting the transaction and entering the debugger.
Suppose that between the time that the breakpoint triggers
and the debugger gets around to stopping all the threads, some
other thread sets the value of \co{a} to zero.
When the poor user attempts to single-step the program, surprise!
The program is now in the else-clause instead of the then-clause.
This is \emph{not} what I call an easy-to-use debugger.
} \QuickQuizEnd
Of course, aborts and rollbacks raise the question of whether HTM can
be useful for hard real-time systems.
Do the performance benefits of HTM outweigh the costs of the aborts
and rollbacks, and if so under what conditions?
Can transactions use priority boosting?
Or should transactions for high-priority threads instead preferentially
abort those of low-priority threads?
If so, how is the hardware efficiently informed of priorities?
The literature on real-time use of HTM is quite sparse, perhaps because
researchers are finding more than enough problems in getting
transactions to work well in non-real-time environments.
Because current HTM implementations might deterministically abort a
given transaction, software must provide fallback code.
This fallback code must use some other form of synchronization, for
example, locking.
If the fallback is used frequently, then all the limitations of locking,
including the possibility of deadlock, reappear.
One can of course hope that the fallback isn't used often, which might
allow simpler and less deadlock-prone locking designs to be used.
But this raises the question of how the system transitions from using
the lock-based fallbacks back to transactions.\footnote{
The possibility of an application getting stuck in fallback
mode has been termed the ``lemming effect'', a term that
Dave Dice has been credited with coining.}
One approach is to use a test-and-test-and-set discipline~\cite{Martinez02a},
so that everyone holds off until the lock is released, allowing the
system to start from a clean slate in transactional mode at that point.
However, this could result in quite a bit of spinning, which might not
be wise if the lock holder has blocked or been preempted.
Another approach is to allow transactions to proceed in parallel with
a thread holding a lock~\cite{Martinez02a}, but this raises difficulties
in maintaining atomicity, especially if the reason that the thread is
holding the lock is because the corresponding transaction would not fit
into cache.
Finally, dealing with the possibility of aborts and rollbacks seems to
put an additional burden on the developer, who must correctly handle
all combinations of possible error conditions.
It is clear that users of HTM must put considerable validation effort
into testing both the fallback code paths and transition from fallback
code back to transactional code.
\subsubsection{Lack of Forward-Progress Guarantees}
\label{sec:future:Lack of Forward-Progress Guarantees}
Even though transaction size, conflicts, and aborts/rollbacks can all
cause transactions to abort, one might hope that sufficiently small and
short-duration transactions could be guaranteed to eventually succeed.
This would permit a transaction to be unconditionally retried, in the
same way that compare-and-swap (CAS) and load-linked/store-conditional
(LL/SC) operations are unconditionally retried in code that uses these
instructions to implement atomic operations.
Unfortunately, most currently available HTM implementation refuse to
make any
sort of forward-progress guarantee, which means that HTM cannot be
used to avoid deadlock on those systems.\footnote{
HTM might well be used to reduce the probability of deadlock,
but as long as there is some possibility of the fallback
code being executed, there is some possibility of deadlock.}
Hopefully future implementations of HTM will provide some sort of
forward-progress guarantees.
Until that time, HTM must be used with extreme caution in real-time
As of mid-2012, there has been surprisingly little work on
transactional memory's real-time characteristics.}
The one exception to this gloomy picture as of 2013 is upcoming versions
of the IBM mainframe, which provides a separate instruction that may be
used to start a special
\emph{constrained transaction}~\cite{ChristianJacobi2012MainframeTM}.
As you might guess from the name, such transactions must live within
the following constraints:
\item Each transaction's data footprint must be contained within
four 32-byte blocks of memory.
\item Each transaction is permitted to execute at most 32 assembler
\item Transactions are not permitted to have backwards branches
(e.g., no loops).
\item Each transaction's code is limited to 256 bytes of memory.
\item If a portion of a given transaction's data footprint resides
within a given 4K page, then that 4K page is prohibited from
containing any of that transaction's instructions.
These constraints are severe, but they nevertheless permit a wide variety
of data-structure updates to be implemented, including stacks, queues,
hash tables, and so on.
These operations are guaranteed to eventually complete, and are free of
deadlock and livelock conditions.
It will be interesting to see how hardware support of forward-progress
guarantees evolves over time.
\subsubsection{Irrevocable Operations}
\label{sec:future:Irrevocable Operations}
Another consequence of aborts and rollbacks is that HTM transactions
cannot accommodate irrevocable operations.
Current HTM implementations typically enforce this limitation by
requiring that all of the accesses in the transaction be to cacheable
memory (thus prohibiting MMIO accesses) and aborting transactions on
interrupts, traps, and exceptions (thus prohibiting system calls).
Note that buffered I/O can be accommodated by HTM transactions as
long as the buffer fill/flush operations occur extra-transactionally.
The reason that this works is that adding data to and removing data
from the buffer is revocable: Only the actual buffer fill/flush
operations are irrevocable.
Of course, this buffered-I/O approach has the effect of including the I/O
in the transaction's footprint, increasing the size of the transaction
and thus increasing the probability of failure.
\subsubsection{Semantic Differences}
\label{sec:future:Semantic Differences}
Although HTM can in many cases be used as a drop-in replacement for locking
(hence the name transactional lock
there are subtle differences in semantics.
A particularly nasty example involving coordinated lock-based critical
sections that results in deadlock or livelock when executed transactionally
was given by Blundell~\cite{Blundell2006TMdeadlock}, but a much simpler
example is the empty critical section.
In a lock-based program, an empty critical section will guarantee
that all processes that had previously been holding that lock have
now released it.
This idiom was used by the 2.4 Linux kernel's networking stack to
coordinate changes in configuration.
But if this empty critical section is translated to a transaction,
the result is a no-op.
The guarantee that all prior critical sections have terminated is
In other words, transactional lock elision preserves the data-protection
semantics of locking, but loses locking's time-based messaging semantics.
But why would \emph{anyone} need an empty lock-based critical
See the answer to \QuickQuizARef{\QlockingQemptycriticalsection} in
Section~\ref{sec:locking:Exclusive Locks}.
However, it is claimed that given a strongly atomic HTM
implementation without forward-progress guarantees, any
memory-based locking design based on empty critical sections
will operate correctly in the presence of transactional
lock elision.
Although I have not seen a proof of this statement, there
is a straightforward rationale for this claim.
The main idea is that in a strongly atomic HTM implementation,
the results of a given transaction are not visible until
after the transaction completes successfully.
Therefore, if you can see that a transaction has started,
it is guaranteed to have already completed, which means
that a subsequent empty lock-based critical section will
successfully ``wait'' on it---after all, there is no waiting
This line of reasoning does not apply to weakly atomic
systems (including many STM implementation), and it also
does not apply to lock-based programs that use means other
than memory to communicate.
One such means is the passage of time (for example, in
hard real-time systems) or flow of priority (for example,
in soft real-time systems).
Locking designs that rely on priority boosting are of particular
} \QuickQuizEnd
Can't transactional lock elision trivially handle locking's
time-based messaging semantics
by simply choosing not to elide empty lock-based critical sections?
It could do so, but this would be both unnecessary and
It would be unnecessary in cases where the empty critical section
was due to conditional compilation.
Here, it might well be that the only purpose of the lock was to
protect data, so eliding it completely would be the right thing
to do.
In fact, leaving the empty lock-based critical section would
degrade performance and scalability.
On the other hand, it is possible for a non-empty lock-based
critical section to be relying on both the data-protection
and time-based and messaging semantics of locking.
Using transactional lock elision in such a case would be
incorrect, and would result in bugs.
} \QuickQuizEnd
Given modern hardware~\cite{PeterOkech2009InherentRandomness},
how can anyone possibly expect parallel software relying
on timing to work?
The short answer is that on commonplace commodity hardware,
synchronization designs based on any sort of fine-grained
timing are foolhardy and cannot be expected to operate correctly
under all conditions.
That said, there are systems designed for hard real-time use
that are much more deterministic.
In the (very unlikely) event that you are using such a system,
here is a toy example showing how time-based synchronization can
Again, do \emph{not} try this on commodity microprocessors,
as they have highly nondeterministic performance characteristics.
This example uses multiple worker threads along with a control
Each worker thread corresponds to an outbound data feed, and
records the current time (for example, from the
\co{clock_gettime()} system call) in a per-thread
\co{my_timestamp} variable after executing each unit
of work.
The real-time nature of this example results in the following
set of constraints:
\item It is a fatal error for a given worker thread to fail
to update its timestamp for a time period of more than
\item Locks are used sparingly to access and update global
item Locks are granted in strict FIFO order within
a given thread priority.
When worker threads complete their feed, they must disentangle
themselves from the rest of the application and place a status
value in a per-thread \co{my_status} variable that is initialized
to -1.
Threads do not exit; they instead are placed on a thread pool
to accommodate later processing requirements.
The control thread assigns (and re-assigns) worker threads as
needed, and also maintains a histogram of thread statuses.
The control thread runs at a real-time priority no higher than
that of the worker threads.
Worker threads' code is as follows:
1 int my_status = -1; /* Thread local. */
3 while (continue_working()) {
4 enqueue_any_new_work();
5 wp = dequeue_work();
6 do_work(wp);
7 my_timestamp = clock_gettime(...);
8 }
10 acquire_lock(&departing_thread_lock);
12 /*
13 * Disentangle from application, might
14 * acquire other locks, can take much longer
15 * than MAX_LOOP_TIME, especially if many
16 * threads exit concurrently.
17 */
18 my_status = get_return_status();
19 release_lock(&departing_thread_lock);
21 /* thread awaits repurposing. */
The control thread's code is as follows:
1 for (;;) {
2 for_each_thread(t) {
3 ct = clock_gettime(...);
4 d = ct - per_thread(my_timestamp, t);
5 if (d >= MAX_LOOP_TIME) {
6 /* thread departing. */
7 acquire_lock(&departing_thread_lock);
8 release_lock(&departing_thread_lock);
9 i = per_thread(my_status, t);
10 status_hist[i]++; /* Bug if TLE! */
11 }
12 }
13 /* Repurpose threads as needed. */
14 }
Line~5 uses the passage of time to deduce that the thread
has exited, executing lines~6-10 if so.
The empty lock-based critical section on lines~7 and~8
guarantees that any thread in the process of exiting
completes (remember that locks are granted in FIFO order!).
Once again, do not try this sort of thing on commodity
After all, it is difficult enough to get right on systems
specifically designed for hard real-time use!
} \QuickQuizEnd
One important semantic difference between locking and transactions
is the priority boosting that is used to avoid priority inversion
in lock-based real-time programs.
One way in which priority inversion can occur is when a
low-priority thread holding a lock
is preempted by a medium-priority CPU-bound thread.
If there is at least one such medium-priority thread per CPU, the
low-priority thread will never get a chance to run.
If a high-priority thread now attempts to acquire the lock,
it will block.
It cannot acquire the lock until the low-priority thread releases it,
the low-priority thread cannot release the lock until it gets a chance
to run, and it cannot get a chance to run until one of the medium-priority
threads gives up its CPU.
Therefore, the medium-priority threads are in effect blocking the
high-priority process, which is the rationale for the name ``priority
{ \scriptsize
1 void boostee(void)
2 {
3 int i = 0;
5 acquire_lock(&boost_lock[i]);
6 for (;;) {
7 acquire_lock(&boost_lock[!i]);
8 release_lock(&boost_lock[i]);
9 i = i ^ 1;
10 do_something();
11 }
12 }
14 void booster(void)
15 {
16 int i = 0;
18 for (;;) {
19 usleep(1000); /* sleep 1 ms. */
20 acquire_lock(&boost_lock[i]);
21 release_lock(&boost_lock[i]);
22 i = i ^ 1;
23 }
24 }
\caption{Exploiting Priority Boosting}
\label{fig:future:Exploiting Priority Boosting}
One way to avoid priority inversion is \emph{priority inheritance},
in which a high-priority thread blocked on a lock temporarily donates
its priority to the lock's holder, which is also called \emph{priority
However, priority boosting can be used for things other than avoiding
priority inversion, as shown in
Figure~\ref{fig:future:Exploiting Priority Boosting}.
Lines~1-12 of this figure show a low-priority process that must
nevertheless run every millisecond or so, while lines~14-24 of
this same figure show a high-priority process that uses priority
boosting to ensure that \co{boostee()} runs periodically as needed.
The \co{boostee()} function arranges this by always holding one of
the two \co{boost_lock[]} locks, so that lines~20-21 of
\co{booster()} can boost priority as needed.
But the \co{boostee()} function in
Figure~\ref{fig:future:Exploiting Priority Boosting}
alternatively acquires its locks in reverse order!
Won't this result in deadlock?
No deadlock will result.
To arrive at deadlock, two different threads must each
acquire the two locks in oppposite orders, which does not
happen in this example.
However, deadlock detectors such as
will flag this as a false positive.
} \QuickQuizEnd
This arrangement requires that \co{boostee()} acquire its first
lock on line~5 before the system becomes busy, but this is easily
arranged, even on modern hardware.
Unfortunately, this arrangement can break down in presence of transactional
lock elision.
The \co{boostee()} function's overlapping critical sections become
one infinite transaction, which will sooner or later abort,
for example, on the first time that the thread running
the \co{boostee()} function is preempted.
At this point, \co{boostee()} will fall back to locking, but given
its low priority and that the quiet initialization period is now
complete (which after all is why \co{boostee()} was preempted),
this thread might never again get a chance to run.
And if the \co{boostee()} thread is not holding the lock, then
the \co{booster()} thread's empty critical section on lines~20 and~21 of
Figure~\ref{fig:future:Exploiting Priority Boosting}
will become an empty transaction that has no effect, so that
\co{boostee()} never runs.
This example illustrates some of the subtle consequences of
transactional memory's rollback-and-retry semantics.
Given that experience will likely uncover additional subtle semantic
differences, application of HTM-based lock elision to large programs
should be undertaken with caution.
That said, where it does apply, HTM-based lock elision can eliminate
the cache misses associated with the lock variable, which has resulted
in tens of percent performance increases in large real-world software
systems as of early 2015.
We can therefore expect to see substantial use of this technique on
hardware supporting it.
So a bunch of people set out to supplant locking, and they
mostly end up just optimizing locking???
At least they accomplished something useful!
And perhaps there will be additional HTM progress over time.
} \QuickQuizEnd
\label{sec:future:HTM Weaknesses WRT Locking: Summary}
Although it seems likely that HTM will have compelling use cases,
current implementations have serious transaction-size limitations,
conflict-handling complications, abort-and-rollback issues, and
semantic differences that will require careful handling.
HTM's current situation relative to locking is summarized in
Table~\ref{tab:future:Comparison of Locking and HTM}.
As can be seen, although the current state of HTM alleviates some
serious shortcomings of locking,\footnote{
In fairness, it is important to emphasize that locking's shortcomings
do have well-known and heavily used engineering solutions, including
deadlock detectors~\cite{JonathanCorbet2006lockdep}, a wealth
of data structures that have been adapted to locking, and
a long history of augmentation, as discussed in
Section~\ref{sec:future:HTM Weaknesses WRT to Locking When Augmented}.
In addition, if locking really were as horrible as a quick skim
of many academic papers might reasonably lead one to believe,
where did all the large lock-based parallel programs (both
FOSS and proprietary) come from, anyway?}
it does so by introducing a significant
number of shortcomings of its own.
These shortcomings are acknowledged by leaders in the TM
In addition, in early 2011, I was invited to deliver a critique of
some of the assumptions underlying transactional
The audience was surprisingly non-hostile, though perhaps they
were taking it easy on me due to the fact that I was heavily
jet-lagged while giving the presentation.}
In addition, this is not the whole story.
Locking is not normally used by itself, but is instead typically
augmented by other synchronization mechanisms,
including reference counting, atomic operations, non-blocking data structures,
hazard pointers~\cite{MagedMichael04a,HerlihyLM02},
and read-copy update (RCU)~\cite{McKenney98,McKenney01a,ThomasEHart2007a,PaulEMcKenney2012ELCbattery}.
The next section looks at how such augmentation changes the equation.
\subsection{HTM Weaknesses WRT to Locking When Augmented}
\label{sec:future:HTM Weaknesses WRT to Locking When Augmented}
Practitioners have long used reference counting, atomic operations,
non-blocking data structures, hazard pointers, and RCU to avoid some
of the shortcomings of locking.
For example, deadlock can be avoided in many cases by using reference
counts, hazard pointers, or RCU to protect data structures,
particularly for read-only critical
These approaches also reduce the need to partition data
structures, as was see in Chapter~\ref{chp:Data Structures}.
RCU further provides contention-free wait-free read-side
Adding these considerations to
Table~\ref{tab:future:Comparison of Locking and HTM}
results in the updated comparison between augmented locking and HTM
shown in
Table~\ref{tab:future:Comparison of Locking (Augmented by RCU or Hazard Pointers) and HTM}.
A summary of the differences between the two tables is as follows:
\item Use of non-blocking read-side mechanisms alleviates deadlock issues.
\item Read-side mechanisms such as hazard pointers and RCU can operate
efficiently on non-partitionable data.
\item Hazard pointers and RCU do not contend with each other or with
updaters, allowing excellent performance and scalability for
read-mostly workloads.
\item Hazard pointers and RCU provide forward-progress guarantees
(lock freedom and wait-freedom, respectively).
\item Privatization operations for hazard pointers and RCU are
Of course, it is also possible to augment HTM,
as discussed in the next section.
\subsection{Where Does HTM Best Fit In?}
\label{sec:future:Where Does HTM Best Fit In?}
Although it will likely be some time before HTM's area of applicability
can be as crisply delineated as that shown for RCU in
Figure~\ref{fig:defer:RCU Areas of Applicability} on
page~\pageref{fig:defer:RCU Areas of Applicability}, that is no reason not to
start moving in that direction.
HTM seems best suited to update-heavy workloads involving relatively
small changes to disparate portions of relatively large in-memory
data structures running on large multiprocessors,
as this meets the size restrictions of current HTM implementations while
minimizing the probability of conflicts and attendant aborts and
This scenario is also one that is relatively difficult to handle given
current synchronization primitives.
Use of locking in conjunction with HTM seems likely to overcome HTM's
difficulties with irrevocable operations, while use of RCU or
hazard pointers might alleviate HTM's transaction-size limitations
for read-only operations that traverse large fractions of the data
Current HTM implementations unconditionally abort an update transaction
that conflicts with an RCU or hazard-pointer reader, but perhaps future
HTM implementations will interoperate more smoothly with these
synchronization mechanisms.
In the meantime, the probability of an update conflicting with a
large RCU or hazard-pointer read-side critical section should be
much smaller than the probability of conflicting with the equivalent
read-only transaction.\footnote{
It is quite ironic that strictly transactional mechanisms are
appearing in shared-memory systems at just about the time
that NoSQL databases are relaxing the traditional
database-application reliance on strict transactions.}
Nevertheless, it is quite possible that a steady stream of RCU or
hazard-pointer readers might starve updaters due to a corresponding
steady stream of conflicts.
This vulnerability could be eliminated (perhaps at significant
hardware cost and complexity) by giving extra-transactional
reads the pre-transaction copy of the memory location being loaded.
The fact that HTM transactions must have fallbacks might in some cases
force static partitionability of data structures back onto HTM.
This limitation might be alleviated if future HTM implementations
provide forward-progress guarantees, which might eliminate the need
for fallback code in some cases, which in turn might allow HTM to
be used efficiently in situations with higher conflict probabilities.
In short, although HTM is likely to have important uses and applications,
it is another tool in the parallel programmer's toolbox, not a replacement
for the toolbox in its entirety.
\subsection{Potential Game Changers}
\label{sec:future:Potential Game Changers}
Game changers that could greatly increase the need for HTM include
the following:
\item Forward-progress guarantees.
\item Transaction-size increases.
\item Improved debugging support.
\item Weak atomicity.
These are expanded upon in the following sections.
\subsubsection{Forward-Progress Guarantees}
\label{sec:future:Forward-Progress Guarantees}
As was discussed in
Section~\ref{sec:future:Lack of Forward-Progress Guarantees},
current HTM implementations lack forward-progress guarantees, which requires
that fallback software be available to handle HTM failures.
Of course, it is easy to demand guarantees, but not always easy
to provide them.
In the case of HTM, obstacles to guarantees can include cache size and
associativity, TLB size and associativity, transaction duration and
interrupt frequency, and scheduler implementation.
Cache size and associativity was discussed in
Section~\ref{sec:future:Transaction-Size Limitations},
along with some research intended to work around current limitations.
However, HTM forward-progress guarantees would
come with size limits, large though these limits might one day be.
So why don't current HTM implementations provide forward-progress
guarantees for small transactions, for example, limited to the
associativity of the cache?
One potential reason might be the need to deal with hardware failure.
For example, a failing cache SRAM cell might be handled by deactivating
the failing cell, thus reducing the associativity of the cache and
therefore also the maximum size of transactions that can be guaranteed
forward progress.
Given that this would simply decrease the guaranteed transaction size,
it seems likely that other reasons are at work.
Perhaps providing forward progress guarantees on production-quality
hardware is more difficult than one might think, an entirely plausible
explanation given the difficulty of making forward-progress guarantees
in software.
Moving a problem from software to hardware does not necessarily make
it easier to solve.
Given a physically tagged and indexed cache, it is not enough for the
transaction to fit in the cache.
Its address translations must also fit in the TLB.
Any forward-progress guarantees must therefore also take TLB size
and associativity into account.
Given that interrupts, traps, and exceptions abort transactions in current
HTM implementations, it is necessary that the execution duration of
a given transaction be shorter than the expected interval between
No matter how little data a given transaction touches, if it runs too
long, it will be aborted.
Therefore, any forward-progress guarantees must be conditioned not only
on transaction size, but also on transaction duration.
Forward-progress guarantees depend critically on the ability to determine
which of several conflicting transactions should be aborted.
It is all too easy to imagine an endless series of transactions, each
aborting an earlier transaction only to itself be aborted by a later
transactions, so that none of the transactions actually commit.
The complexity of conflict handling is
evidenced by the large number of HTM conflict-resolution policies
that have been proposed~\cite{EgeAkpinar2011HTM2TLE,YujieLiu2011ToxicTransactions}.
Additional complications are introduced by extra-transactional accesses,
as noted by Blundell~\cite{Blundell2006TMdeadlock}.
It is easy to blame the extra-transactional accesses for all of these
problems, but the folly of this line of thinking is easily demonstrated
by placing each of the extra-transactional accesses into its own
single-access transaction.
It is the pattern of accesses that is the issue, not whether or not they
happen to be enclosed in a transaction.
Finally, any forward-progress guarantees for transactions also
depend on the scheduler, which must let the thread executing the
transaction run long enough to successfully commit.
So there are significant obstacles to HTM vendors offering forward-progress
However, the impact of any of them doing so would be enormous.
It would mean that HTM transactions would no longer need software
fallbacks, which would mean that HTM could finally deliver on the
TM promise of deadlock elimination.
And as of late 2012, the IBM Mainframe announced an HTM
implementation that includes \emph{constrained transactions}
in addition to the usual best-effort HTM
A constrained transaction starts with the \co{tbeginc} instruction
instead of the \co{tbegin} instruction that is used for best-effort
Constrained transactions are guaranteed to always complete (eventually),
so if a transaction aborts, rather than branching to a fallback path
(as is done for best-effort transactions), the hardware instead restarts
the transaction at the \co{tbeginc} instruction.
The Mainframe architects needed to take extreme measures to deliver on
this forward-progress guarantee.
If a given constrained transaction repeatedly fails, the CPU
might disable branch prediction, force in-order execution, and even
disable pipelining.
If the repeated failures are due to high contention, the CPU might
disable speculative fetches, introduce random delays, and even
serialize execution of the conflicting CPUs.
``Interesting'' forward-progress scenarios involve as few as two CPUs
or as many as one hundred CPUs.
Perhaps these extreme measures provide some insight as to why other CPUs
have thus far refrained from offering constrained transactions.
As the name implies, constrained transactions are in fact severely constrained:
\item The maximum data footprint is four blocks of memory,
where each block can be no larger than 32 bytes.
\item The maximum code footprint is 256 bytes.
\item If a given 4K page contains a constrained transaction's code,
then that page may not contain that transaction's data.
\item The maximum number of assembly instructions that may be executed
is 32.
\item Backwards branches are forbidden.
Nevertheless, these constraints support a number of important data structures,
including linked lists, stacks, queues, and arrays.
Constrained HTM therefore seems likely to become an important tool in
the parallel programmer's toolbox.
\subsubsection{Transaction-Size Increases}
\label{sec:future:Transaction-Size Increases}
Forward-progress guarantees are important, but as we saw, they will
be conditional guarantees based on transaction size and duration.
It is important to note that even small-sized guarantees will be
quite useful.
For example,
a guarantee of two cache lines is sufficient for a stack, queue, or dequeue.
However, larger data structures require larger guarantees, for example,
traversing a tree in order requires a guarantee equal to the number
of nodes in the tree.
Therefore, increasing the size of the guarantee also increases the
usefulness of HTM, thereby increasing the need for CPUs to either
provide it or provide good-and-sufficient workarounds.
\subsubsection{Improved Debugging Support}
\label{sec:future:Improved Debugging Support}
Another inhibitor to transaction size is the need to debug the transactions.
The problem with current mechanisms is that a single-step exception
aborts the enclosing transaction.
There are a number of workarounds for this issue, including emulating
the processor (slow!), substituting STM for HTM (slow and slightly
different semantics!),
playback techniques using repeated retries to emulate forward
progress (strange failure modes!), and
full support of debugging HTM transactions (complex!).
Should one of the HTM vendors produce an HTM system that allows
straightforward use of classical debugging techniques within
transactions, including breakpoints, single stepping, and
print statements, this will make HTM much more compelling.
Some transactional-memory researchers are starting to recognize this
problem as of 2013, with at least one proposal involving hardware-assisted
debugging facilities~\cite{JustinGottschlich2013TMdebug}.
Of course, this proposal depends on readily available hardware gaining such
\subsubsection{Weak Atomicity}
\label{sec:future:Weak Atomicity}
Given that HTM is likely to face some sort of size limitations for the
foreseeable future, it will be necessary for HTM to interoperate
smoothly with other mechanisms.
HTM's interoperability with read-mostly mechanisms such as hazard pointers
and RCU would be improved if extra-transactional reads did not
unconditionally abort transactions with conflicting writes---instead,
the read could simply be provided with the pre-transaction value.
In this way, hazard pointers and RCU could be used to allow HTM to handle
larger data structures and to reduce conflict probabilities.
This is not necessarily simple, however.
The most straightforward way of implementing this requires an additional
state in each cache line and on the bus, which is a non-trivial added
The benefit that goes along with this expense is permitting
large-footprint readers without the risk of starving updaters due
to continual conflicts.
Although current HTM implementations appear to be poised to deliver real
benefits, they also have significant shortcomings.
The most significant shortcomings appear to be
limited transaction sizes,
the need for conflict handling, the need for aborts and rollbacks,
the lack of forward-progress guarantees,
the inability to handle irrevocable operations,
and subtle semantic differences
from locking.
Some of these shortcomings might be alleviated in future implementations,
but it appears that there will continue to be a strong need to make
HTM work well with the many other types of synchronization mechanisms,
as noted earlier~\cite{McKenney2007PLOSTM,PaulEMcKenney2010OSRGrassGreener}.
In short, current HTM implementations appear to be welcome and useful
additions to the parallel programmer's toolbox, and much interesting
and challenging work is required to make use of them.
However, they cannot be
considered to be a magic wand with which to wave away all parallel-programming