blob: 52d2a696d5d0c004fa13c7327136f75f44655650 [file] [log] [blame]
# StGIT configuration file. Copy it to any of ~/.gitconfig or
# .git/config and modify as needed. Note that the latter overrides
# the former. The "git config" command can be used as well
# Default author/committer details (standard GIT variables)
name = Your Name
email =
# E-mail sender (added to the "From: " header)
#sender = Your Name <>
# Automatically Bcc the address below
#autobcc =
# Set to 'yes' if you don't want to use the 'resolved' command.
# 'refresh' will automatically mark the conflicts as resolved
#autoresolved = no
# SMTP server for sending patches
#smtpserver = localhost:25
# Set to 'yes' to use SMTP over TLS
#smtptls = no
# Username for SMTP authentication, required if TLS is used
#smtpuser = username
# Password for SMTP. If not provided, it will be asked
#smtppassword = password
# delay between messages in seconds (defaults to 5)
#smtpdelay = 5
# stg will look for this first, then look for the EDITOR environmental
# variable, then default to using 'vi'
#editor = /usr/bin/vi
# this value overrides the default PAGER environment variable
#pager = ~/share/stgit/contrib/
#pager = filterdiff --annotate | colordiff | less -FRX
# GIT pull and fetch commands (should take the same arguments as
# git-fetch or git-pull). By default:
#pullcmd = git-pull
#fetchcmd = git-fetch
# Rebase command. Note that this command is internally implemented in
# a different way. Only define this option if a different rebase
# is needed (i.e. 'git svn rebase')
#rebasecmd = git-reset
# "stg pull" policy. This is the repository default, which can be
# overriden on a per-branch basis using branch.*.stgit.pull-policy
# By default:
#pull-policy = pull
# To support remote rewinding parent branches:
#pull-policy = fetch-rebase
# To support local parent branches:
#pull-policy = rebase
# The three-way merge tool. Note that the 'output' file contains the
# same data as 'branch1'. This is useful for tools that do not take an
# output parameter
#merger = diff3 -L current -L ancestor -L patched -m -E \
# \"%(branch1)s\" \"%(ancestor)s\" \"%(branch2)s\" \
# > \"%(output)s\"
# Interactive two/three-way merge tool. It is executed by the
# 'resolved --interactive' command
#i3merge = xxdiff --title1 current --title2 ancestor --title3 patched \
# --show-merged-pane -m -E -O -X -M \"%(output)s\" \
# \"%(branch1)s\" \"%(ancestor)s\" \"%(branch2)s\"
#i2merge = xxdiff --title1 current --title2 patched \
# --show-merged-pane -m -E -O -X -M \"%(output)s\" \
# \"%(branch1)s\" \"%(branch2)s\"
#i3merge = emacs --eval '(ediff-merge-files-with-ancestor \
# \"%(branch1)s\" \"%(branch2)s\" \"%(ancestor)s\" nil \
# \"%(output)s\")'
#i2merge = emacs --eval '(ediff-merge-files \
# \"%(branch1)s\" \"%(branch2)s\" nil \"%(output)s\")'
# Automatically invoke the interactive merger in case of conflicts
#autoimerge = no
# Leave the original files in the working tree in case of a
# merge conflict
#keeporig = yes
# Optimize (repack) the object store after every pull
#keepoptimized = yes
# Extensions for the files involved in a three-way merge (ancestor,
# current, patched)
#extensions = .ancestor .current .patched
# The number of patches to be listed before and after the
# current one by the 'series --short' command
#shortnr = 5
# The maximum length of an automatically generated patch name
#namelenth = 30
[mail "alias"]
# E-mail aliases used with the 'mail' command
git =