blob: d6fbca8103fa6c16523cf9edcc6a7e0f45557f3b [file] [log] [blame]
__copyright__ = """
Copyright (C) 2005, Catalin Marinas <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import sys, os, re, time, datetime, socket, smtplib, getpass
import email, email.Utils, email.Header
from stgit.argparse import opt
from stgit.commands.common import *
from stgit.utils import *
from stgit.out import *
from stgit import argparse, stack, git, version, templates
from stgit.config import config
from import Run
from stgit.lib import git as gitlib
help = 'Send a patch or series of patches by e-mail'
kind = 'patch'
usage = [' [options] [--] [<patch1>] [<patch2>] [<patch3>..<patch4>]']
description = r"""
Send a patch or a range of patches by e-mail using the SMTP server
specified by the 'stgit.smtpserver' configuration option, or the
'--smtp-server' command line option. This option can also be an
absolute path to 'sendmail' followed by command line arguments.
The From address and the e-mail format are generated from the template
file passed as argument to '--template' (defaulting to
'.git/patchmail.tmpl' or '~/.stgit/templates/patchmail.tmpl' or
'/usr/share/stgit/templates/patchmail.tmpl'). A patch can be sent as
attachment using the --attach option in which case the
'mailattch.tmpl' template will be used instead of 'patchmail.tmpl'.
The To/Cc/Bcc addresses can either be added to the template file or
passed via the corresponding command line options. They can be e-mail
addresses or aliases which are automatically expanded to the values
stored in the [mail "alias"] section of GIT configuration files.
A preamble e-mail can be sent using the '--cover' and/or
'--edit-cover' options. The first allows the user to specify a file to
be used as a template. The latter option will invoke the editor on the
specified file (defaulting to '.git/covermail.tmpl' or
'~/.stgit/templates/covermail.tmpl' or
All the subsequent e-mails appear as replies to the first e-mail sent
(either the preamble or the first patch). E-mails can be seen as
replies to a different e-mail by using the '--in-reply-to' option.
SMTP authentication is also possible with '--smtp-user' and
'--smtp-password' options, also available as configuration settings:
'smtpuser' and 'smtppassword'. TLS encryption can be enabled by
'--smtp-tls' option and 'smtptls' setting.
The following variables are accepted by both the preamble and the
patch e-mail templates:
%(diffstat)s - diff statistics
%(number)s - empty if only one patch is sent or 'patchnr/totalnr'
%(snumber)s - stripped version of '%(number)s'
%(nspace)s - ' ' if %(number)s is non-empty, otherwise empty string
%(patchnr)s - patch number
%(sender)s - 'sender' or 'authname <authemail>' as per the config file
%(totalnr)s - total number of patches to be sent
%(version)s - 'version' string passed on the command line (or empty)
%(vspace)s - ' ' if %(version)s is non-empty, otherwise empty string
In addition to the common variables, the preamble e-mail template
accepts the following:
%(shortlog)s - first line of each patch description, listed by author
In addition to the common variables, the patch e-mail template accepts
the following:
%(authdate)s - patch creation date
%(authemail)s - author's email
%(authname)s - author's name
%(commemail)s - committer's e-mail
%(commname)s - committer's name
%(diff)s - unified diff of the patch
%(fromauth)s - 'From: author\n\n' if different from sender
%(longdescr)s - the rest of the patch description, after the first line
%(patch)s - patch name
%(prefix)s - 'prefix' string passed on the command line
%(pspace)s - ' ' if %(prefix)s is non-empty, otherwise empty string
%(shortdescr)s - the first line of the patch description"""
args = [argparse.patch_range(argparse.applied_patches,
options = [
opt('-a', '--all', action = 'store_true',
short = 'E-mail all the applied patches'),
opt('--to', action = 'append',
short = 'Add TO to the To: list'),
opt('--cc', action = 'append',
short = 'Add CC to the Cc: list'),
opt('--bcc', action = 'append',
short = 'Add BCC to the Bcc: list'),
opt('--auto', action = 'store_true',
short = 'Automatically cc the patch signers'),
opt('--no-thread', action = 'store_true',
short = 'Do not send subsequent messages as replies'),
opt('--unrelated', action = 'store_true',
short = 'Send patches without sequence numbering'),
opt('--attach', action = 'store_true',
short = 'Send a patch as attachment'),
opt('--attach-inline', action = 'store_true',
short = 'Send a patch inline and as an attachment'),
opt('-v', '--version', metavar = 'VERSION',
short = 'Add VERSION to the [PATCH ...] prefix'),
opt('--prefix', metavar = 'PREFIX',
short = 'Add PREFIX to the [... PATCH ...] prefix'),
opt('-t', '--template', metavar = 'FILE',
short = 'Use FILE as the message template'),
opt('-c', '--cover', metavar = 'FILE',
short = 'Send FILE as the cover message'),
opt('-e', '--edit-cover', action = 'store_true',
short = 'Edit the cover message before sending'),
opt('-E', '--edit-patches', action = 'store_true',
short = 'Edit each patch before sending'),
opt('-s', '--sleep', type = 'int', metavar = 'SECONDS',
short = 'Sleep for SECONDS between e-mails sending'),
opt('--in-reply-to', metavar = 'REFID',
short = 'Use REFID as the reference id'),
opt('--smtp-server', metavar = 'HOST[:PORT] or "/path/to/sendmail -t -i"',
short = 'SMTP server or command to use for sending mail'),
opt('-u', '--smtp-user', metavar = 'USER',
short = 'Username for SMTP authentication'),
opt('-p', '--smtp-password', metavar = 'PASSWORD',
short = 'Password for SMTP authentication'),
opt('-T', '--smtp-tls', action = 'store_true',
short = 'Use SMTP with TLS encryption'),
opt('-b', '--branch', args = [argparse.stg_branches],
short = 'Use BRANCH instead of the default branch'),
opt('-m', '--mbox', action = 'store_true',
short = 'Generate an mbox file instead of sending'),
opt('--git', action = 'store_true',
short = 'Use git send-email (EXPERIMENTAL)')
] + argparse.diff_opts_option()
directory = DirectoryHasRepository(log = False)
def __get_sender():
"""Return the 'authname <authemail>' string as read from the
configuration file
if not sender:
sender = str(git.user())
except git.GitException:
sender = str(
except git.GitException:
if not sender:
raise CmdException, ('Unknown sender name and e-mail; you should'
' for example set git config and'
sender = email.Utils.parseaddr(sender)
return email.Utils.formataddr(address_or_alias(sender))
def __addr_list(msg, header):
return [addr for name, addr in
email.Utils.getaddresses(msg.get_all(header, []))]
def __parse_addresses(msg):
"""Return a two elements tuple: (from, [to])
from_addr_list = __addr_list(msg, 'From')
if len(from_addr_list) == 0:
raise CmdException, 'No "From" address'
to_addr_list = __addr_list(msg, 'To') + __addr_list(msg, 'Cc') \
+ __addr_list(msg, 'Bcc')
if len(to_addr_list) == 0:
raise CmdException, 'No "To/Cc/Bcc" addresses'
return (from_addr_list[0], set(to_addr_list))
def __send_message_sendmail(sendmail, msg):
"""Send the message using the sendmail command.
cmd = sendmail.split()
__smtp_credentials = None
def __set_smtp_credentials(options):
"""Set the (smtpuser, smtppassword, smtpusetls) credentials if the method
of sending is SMTP.
global __smtp_credentials
smtpserver = options.smtp_server or config.get('stgit.smtpserver')
if options.mbox or options.git or smtpserver.startswith('/'):
smtppassword = options.smtp_password or config.get('stgit.smtppassword')
smtpuser = options.smtp_user or config.get('stgit.smtpuser')
smtpusetls = options.smtp_tls or config.get('stgit.smtptls') == 'yes'
if (smtppassword and not smtpuser):
raise CmdException('SMTP password supplied, username needed')
if (smtpusetls and not smtpuser):
raise CmdException('SMTP over TLS requested, username needed')
if (smtpuser and not smtppassword):
smtppassword = getpass.getpass("Please enter SMTP password: ")
__smtp_credentials = (smtpuser, smtppassword, smtpusetls)
def __send_message_smtp(smtpserver, from_addr, to_addr_list, msg, options):
"""Send the message using the given SMTP server
smtpuser, smtppassword, smtpusetls = __smtp_credentials
s = smtplib.SMTP(smtpserver)
except Exception, err:
raise CmdException, str(err)
if smtpuser and smtppassword:
if smtpusetls:
if not hasattr(socket, 'ssl'):
raise CmdException, "cannot use TLS - no SSL support in Python"
s.login(smtpuser, smtppassword)
result = s.sendmail(from_addr, to_addr_list, msg)
if len(result):
print "mail server refused delivery for the following recipients: %s" % result
except Exception, err:
raise CmdException, str(err)
def __send_message_git(msg, options):
"""Send the message using git send-email
from subprocess import call
from tempfile import mkstemp
cmd = ["git", "send-email", "--from=%s" % msg['From']]
if not
if options.in_reply_to:
cmd.extend(["--in-reply-to", options.in_reply_to])
if options.no_thread:
# We only support To/Cc/Bcc in git send-email for now.
for x in ['to', 'cc', 'bcc']:
if getattr(options, x):
cmd.extend('--%s=%s' % (x, a) for a in getattr(options, x))
(fd, path) = mkstemp()
os.write(fd, msg.as_string(options.mbox))
except Exception, err:
raise CmdException, str(err)
def __send_message(type, tmpl, options, *args):
"""Message sending dispatcher.
(build, outstr) = {'cover': (__build_cover, 'the cover message'),
'patch': (__build_message, 'patch "%s"' % args[0])}[type]
if type == 'patch':
(patch_nr, total_nr) = (args[1], args[2])
msg_id = email.Utils.make_msgid('stgit')
msg = build(tmpl, msg_id, options, *args)
msg_str = msg.as_string(options.mbox)
if options.mbox:
out.stdout_raw(msg_str + '\n')
return msg_id
if not options.git:
from_addr, to_addrs = __parse_addresses(msg)
out.start('Sending ' + outstr)
smtpserver = options.smtp_server or config.get('stgit.smtpserver')
if options.git:
__send_message_git(msg, options)
elif smtpserver.startswith('/'):
# Use the sendmail tool
__send_message_sendmail(smtpserver, msg_str)
# Use the SMTP server (we have host and port information)
__send_message_smtp(smtpserver, from_addr, to_addrs, msg_str, options)
# give recipients a chance of receiving related patches in correct order
if type == 'cover' or (type == 'patch' and patch_nr < total_nr):
sleep = options.sleep or config.getint('stgit.smtpdelay')
if not options.git:
return msg_id
def __update_header(msg, header, addr = '', ignore = ()):
def __addr_pairs(msg, header, extra):
pairs = email.Utils.getaddresses(msg.get_all(header, []) + extra)
# remove pairs without an address and resolve the aliases
return [address_or_alias(p) for p in pairs if p[1]]
addr_pairs = __addr_pairs(msg, header, [addr])
del msg[header]
# remove the duplicates and filter the addresses
addr_dict = dict((addr, email.Utils.formataddr((name, addr)))
for name, addr in addr_pairs if addr not in ignore)
if addr_dict:
msg[header] = ', '.join(addr_dict.itervalues())
return set(addr_dict.iterkeys())
def __build_address_headers(msg, options, extra_cc = []):
"""Build the address headers and check existing headers in the
to_addr = ''
cc_addr = ''
extra_cc_addr = ''
bcc_addr = ''
autobcc = config.get('stgit.autobcc') or ''
to_addr = ', '.join(
cc_addr = ', '.join(
if extra_cc:
extra_cc_addr = ', '.join(extra_cc)
if options.bcc:
bcc_addr = ', '.join(options.bcc + [autobcc])
elif autobcc:
bcc_addr = autobcc
# if an address is on a header, ignore it from the rest
from_set = __update_header(msg, 'From')
to_set = __update_header(msg, 'To', to_addr)
# --auto generated addresses, don't include the sender
__update_header(msg, 'Cc', extra_cc_addr, from_set)
cc_set = __update_header(msg, 'Cc', cc_addr, to_set)
bcc_set = __update_header(msg, 'Bcc', bcc_addr, to_set.union(cc_set))
def __get_signers_list(msg):
"""Return the address list generated from signed-off-by and
acked-by lines in the message.
addr_list = []
tags = '%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s' % (
regex = '^(%s):\s+(.+)$' % tags
r = re.compile(regex, re.I)
for line in msg.split('\n'):
m = r.match(line)
if m:
return addr_list
def __build_extra_headers(msg, msg_id, ref_id = None):
"""Build extra email headers and encoding
del msg['Date']
msg['Date'] = email.Utils.formatdate(localtime = True)
msg['Message-ID'] = msg_id
if ref_id:
# make sure the ref id has the angle brackets
ref_id = '<%s>' % ref_id.strip(' \t\n<>')
msg['In-Reply-To'] = ref_id
msg['References'] = ref_id
msg['User-Agent'] = 'StGit/%s' % version.version
# update other address headers
__update_header(msg, 'Reply-To')
__update_header(msg, 'Mail-Reply-To')
__update_header(msg, 'Mail-Followup-To')
def __encode_message(msg):
# 7 or 8 bit encoding
charset = email.Charset.Charset('utf-8')
charset.body_encoding = None
# encode headers
for header, value in msg.items():
words = []
for word in value.split(' '):
uword = unicode(word, 'utf-8')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# maybe we should try a different encoding or report
# the error. At the moment, we just ignore it
new_val = ' '.join(words)
msg.replace_header(header, new_val)
# replace the Subject string with a Header() object otherwise the long
# line folding is done using "\n\t" rather than "\n ", causing issues with
# some e-mail clients
subject = msg.get('subject', '')
email.Header.Header(subject, header_name = 'subject'))
# encode the body and set the MIME and encoding headers
if msg.is_multipart():
for p in msg.get_payload():
def __edit_message(msg):
fname = '.stgitmail.txt'
# create the initial file
f = file(fname, 'w')
# read the message back
f = file(fname)
msg =
return msg
def __build_cover(tmpl, msg_id, options, patches):
"""Build the cover message (series description) to be sent via SMTP
sender = __get_sender()
if options.version:
version_str = '%s' % options.version
version_space = ' '
version_str = ''
version_space = ''
if options.prefix:
prefix_str = options.prefix
prefix_str = config.get('stgit.mail.prefix')
if prefix_str:
prefix_space = ' '
prefix_str = ''
prefix_space = ''
total_nr_str = str(len(patches))
patch_nr_str = '0'.zfill(len(total_nr_str))
if len(patches) > 1:
number_str = '%s/%s' % (patch_nr_str, total_nr_str)
number_space = ' '
number_str = ''
number_space = ''
tmpl_dict = {'sender': sender,
# for backward template compatibility
'maintainer': sender,
# for backward template compatibility
'endofheaders': '',
# for backward template compatibility
'date': '',
'version': version_str,
'vspace': version_space,
'prefix': prefix_str,
'pspace': prefix_space,
'patchnr': patch_nr_str,
'totalnr': total_nr_str,
'number': number_str,
'nspace': number_space,
'snumber': number_str.strip(),
'shortlog': stack.shortlog(crt_series.get_patch(p)
for p in reversed(patches)),
'diffstat': gitlib.diffstat(git.diff(
rev1 = git_id(crt_series, '%s^' % patches[0]),
rev2 = git_id(crt_series, '%s' % patches[-1]),
diff_flags = options.diff_flags))}
msg_string = tmpl % tmpl_dict
except KeyError, err:
raise CmdException, 'Unknown patch template variable: %s' \
% err
except TypeError:
raise CmdException, 'Only "%(name)s" variables are ' \
'supported in the patch template'
if options.edit_cover:
msg_string = __edit_message(msg_string)
# The Python email message
msg = email.message_from_string(msg_string)
except Exception, ex:
raise CmdException, 'template parsing error: %s' % str(ex)
if not options.git:
__build_address_headers(msg, options)
__build_extra_headers(msg, msg_id, options.in_reply_to)
return msg
def __build_message(tmpl, msg_id, options, patch, patch_nr, total_nr, ref_id):
"""Build the message to be sent via SMTP
p = crt_series.get_patch(patch)
if p.get_description():
descr = p.get_description().strip()
# provide a place holder and force the edit message option on
descr = '<empty message>'
options.edit_patches = True
descr_lines = descr.split('\n')
short_descr = descr_lines[0].strip()
long_descr = '\n'.join(l.rstrip() for l in descr_lines[1:]).lstrip('\n')
authname = p.get_authname();
authemail = p.get_authemail();
commname = p.get_commname();
commemail = p.get_commemail();
sender = __get_sender()
fromauth = '%s <%s>' % (authname, authemail)
if fromauth != sender:
fromauth = 'From: %s\n\n' % fromauth
fromauth = ''
if options.version:
version_str = '%s' % options.version
version_space = ' '
version_str = ''
version_space = ''
if options.prefix:
prefix_str = options.prefix
prefix_str = config.get('stgit.mail.prefix')
if prefix_str:
prefix_space = ' '
prefix_str = ''
prefix_space = ''
total_nr_str = str(total_nr)
patch_nr_str = str(patch_nr).zfill(len(total_nr_str))
if not options.unrelated and total_nr > 1:
number_str = '%s/%s' % (patch_nr_str, total_nr_str)
number_space = ' '
number_str = ''
number_space = ''
diff = git.diff(rev1 = git_id(crt_series, '%s^' % patch),
rev2 = git_id(crt_series, '%s' % patch),
diff_flags = options.diff_flags)
tmpl_dict = {'patch': patch,
'sender': sender,
# for backward template compatibility
'maintainer': sender,
'shortdescr': short_descr,
'longdescr': long_descr,
# for backward template compatibility
'endofheaders': '',
'diff': diff,
'diffstat': gitlib.diffstat(diff),
# for backward template compatibility
'date': '',
'version': version_str,
'vspace': version_space,
'prefix': prefix_str,
'pspace': prefix_space,
'patchnr': patch_nr_str,
'totalnr': total_nr_str,
'number': number_str,
'nspace': number_space,
'snumber': number_str.strip(),
'fromauth': fromauth,
'authname': authname,
'authemail': authemail,
'authdate': p.get_authdate(),
'commname': commname,
'commemail': commemail}
# change None to ''
for key in tmpl_dict:
if not tmpl_dict[key]:
tmpl_dict[key] = ''
msg_string = tmpl % tmpl_dict
except KeyError, err:
raise CmdException, 'Unknown patch template variable: %s' \
% err
except TypeError:
raise CmdException, 'Only "%(name)s" variables are ' \
'supported in the patch template'
if options.edit_patches:
msg_string = __edit_message(msg_string)
# The Python email message
msg = email.message_from_string(msg_string)
except Exception, ex:
raise CmdException, 'template parsing error: %s' % str(ex)
extra_cc = __get_signers_list(descr)
extra_cc = []
if not options.git:
__build_address_headers(msg, options, extra_cc)
__build_extra_headers(msg, msg_id, ref_id)
return msg
def func(parser, options, args):
"""Send the patches by e-mail using the patchmail.tmpl file as
a template
applied = crt_series.get_applied()
if options.all:
patches = applied
elif len(args) >= 1:
unapplied = crt_series.get_unapplied()
patches = parse_patches(args, applied + unapplied, len(applied))
raise CmdException, 'Incorrect options. Unknown patches to send'
# early test for sender identity
out.start('Checking the validity of the patches')
for p in patches:
if crt_series.empty_patch(p):
raise CmdException, 'Cannot send empty patch "%s"' % p
total_nr = len(patches)
if total_nr == 0:
raise CmdException, 'No patches to send'
if options.in_reply_to:
if options.no_thread or options.unrelated:
raise CmdException, \
'--in-reply-to option not allowed with --no-thread or --unrelated'
ref_id = options.in_reply_to
ref_id = None
# get username/password if sending by SMTP
# send the cover message (if any)
if options.cover or options.edit_cover:
if options.unrelated:
raise CmdException, 'cover sending not allowed with --unrelated'
# find the template file
if options.cover:
tmpl = file(options.cover).read()
tmpl = templates.get_template('covermail.tmpl')
if not tmpl:
raise CmdException, 'No cover message template file found'
msg_id = __send_message('cover', tmpl, options, patches)
# subsequent e-mails are seen as replies to the first one
if not options.no_thread:
ref_id = msg_id
# send the patches
if options.template:
tmpl = file(options.template).read()
if options.attach:
tmpl = templates.get_template('mailattch.tmpl')
elif options.attach_inline:
tmpl = templates.get_template('patchandattch.tmpl')
tmpl = templates.get_template('patchmail.tmpl')
if not tmpl:
raise CmdException, 'No e-mail template file found'
for (p, n) in zip(patches, range(1, total_nr + 1)):
msg_id = __send_message('patch', tmpl, options, p, n, total_nr, ref_id)
# subsequent e-mails are seen as replies to the first one
if not options.no_thread and not options.unrelated and not ref_id:
ref_id = msg_id