blob: 3ea6992625f7aa99a14fd9806dd903340908064d [file] [log] [blame]
24227a9e956a ("qtnfmac: fix invalid channel information output")
524d6323af5f ("qtnfmac: enable WPA3 OWE support")
23781af74152 ("qtnfmac: add missing bss record to host scan cache")
9fe504a13172 ("qtnfmac: switch to 32bit values for RTS/FRAG thresholds")
263ee96b77a7 ("qtnfmac: do not track STA states in driver")
480daa9cb62c ("qtnfmac: fix invalid STA state on EAPOL failure")
40d68dbb986d ("qtnfmac: cancel scan on disconnect")
9a3beeb5b73a ("qtnfmac: cleanup wdev structure between its uses")
39845020b39e ("qtnfmac: fix STA disconnect procedure")
5ec5b532dabc ("qtnfmac: get more hardware info from card")
f1398fd2dd8c ("qtnfmac: support MAC address based access control")
4d2a7a1cfa68 ("qtnfmac: modify GET_STA_STATS cmd format for back/forward compatibility")
9cbd599966d8 ("qtnfmac: fill wiphy's extended capabilities")
fbad963a28e4 ("qtnfmac: fix rssi data passed to wireless core")
b05ee456fd21 ("qtnfmac: add support for radar detection and CAC")
5bf374ab91ad ("qtnfmac: pass complete channel data between driver and firmware")
c9889671736c ("qtnfmac: pass all CONNECT cmd params to wireless card for processing")
a3945f43761c ("qtnfmac: include HTCAP and VHTCAP into config AP command")
17011da0b8f0 ("qtnfmac: configure and start AP interface with a single command")
5face518d446 ("qtnfmac: SCAN results: retreive frame type information from "IE set" TLV")
18b7470f92df ("qtnfmac: extend "IE set" TLV to include frame type info")
d1398b5b34cc ("qtnfmac: get rid of PHYMODE capabilities flags")
d42df85f7d85 ("qtnfmac: initialize HT/VHT caps "can override" masks")
0fac9e2dff00 ("Merge git://")