blob: d75b24a5eee82e4ad286c73d892e147cf45f7780 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -W
# convert git commit id to a pretty patch we can apply to the stable tree
# Written in perl because the bash version is broken, it doesn't pass
# through the patch correctly :(
my $base_id = "";
my $line;
my $firstline = "true";
my $git_id;
my $header_complete = "false";
my $signed_off_by_seen = "false";
my $signed_off_by_complete = "false";
my $eat_subject_trailer = "false";
my $tmpfile;
#my $kernel_version;
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub
# what usually happens is we don't have the git version, so clean up
# the temp file we created.
if ($tmpfile ne "") {
unlink $tmpfile;
$numArgs = $#ARGV + 1;
if ($numArgs < 1) {
print "must provide git id\n";
$base_id = shift;
if ($base_id eq "") {
print "must provide git id\n";
#$kernel_version = shift;
#if (!defined($kernel_version)) {
# $kernel_version = "";
#print "handing commit id $base_id\n";
$tmpfile = `mktemp patch.XXXXX` || die "Failed to run mktemp";
# if we were smart, we could just reconstruct the header the way we want to
# with a format: string, but we are not, so let's parse the thing out...
$from = `git show --pretty=format:"%aN <%ae>" $base_id | head -n 1` || die "Failed to run git to get from";
$subj = `git show --pretty=format:"Subject: %s" $base_id | head -n 1` || die "Failed to run git to get subject";
open FILE, ">$tmpfile" || die "Failed to create $tmpfile";
#open GIT, "git show --pretty=email $base_id |" || die "Failed to run git";
open GIT, "git format-patch -n1 --no-numbered -k --stdout $base_id |" || die "Failed to run git";
while ($line = <GIT>) {
# subjects have the fun ability to line-wrap, but we handled that above
# when we grabbed the "raw" subject, so just ignore trailing subject
# lines.
if ($eat_subject_trailer eq "true") {
$eat_subject_trailer = "false";
if ($line =~m/^ /) {
# eat this line
# If this is the subject line, use our own.
if ($line =~m/^Subject: /) {
$line = $subj;
$eat_subject_trailer = "true";
if ($line =~m/^Signed-off-by:/) {
$signed_off_by_seen = "true";
if ($signed_off_by_seen eq "true") {
if ($signed_off_by_complete eq "false") {
if ($line eq "\n" || $line eq "---\n") {
print FILE "Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh\>\n";
$signed_off_by_complete = "true";
$signed_off_by_seen = "false";
print FILE $line;
if ($firstline eq "true") {
my @from = split(/ /, $line);
$git_id = $from[1];
#print "git_id = $git_id\n";
$firstline = "false";
if ($header_complete eq "false") {
if ($line eq "\n") {
print FILE "From: $from\n";
print FILE "commit $git_id upstream.\n\n";
$header_complete = "true";
close GIT;
close FILE;
#print "$tmpfile\n";
system "vim -c \":set syntax=mail\" $tmpfile";
system "reset";
$new_file = `rename-patch $tmpfile`;
system "mv $new_file ~/linux/stable/";
#print "moved $new_file to ~/linux/stable/\n";
print "cd ~/linux/stable && ./apply_it $new_file @ARGV\n";
system "cd ~/linux/stable && ./apply_it $new_file @ARGV";
#system "cp ~/linux/stable/$new_file ~/linux/longterm";
#system "cd ~/linux/longterm && ./apply_it $new_file";
#TMPFILE1=`mktemp patch.XXXXXX` || exit 1
#TMPFILE2=`mktemp patch.XXXXXX` || exit 1
#GIT_ID=`git show $COMMIT_ID | head -n 1 | cut -f 2 -d ' '`
#FROM=`git show --pretty=email $COMMIT_ID | head -n 2 | grep "From: "`
#git show --pretty=email $COMMIT_ID > $TMPFILE1
#while read line
# # Strip out the [PATCH] portion of the subject line, it's annoying.
# new=`echo "$line" | sed -e 's/^Subject: \[PATCH\]/Subject:/g'`
# # copy the line out to the new file
# echo "$new" >> $TMPFILE2
# # add our special text (author and git id) right before
# # the changelog text happens.
# if [ "$line" == "" ] ; then
# if [ $HEADER_COMPLETE == false ] ; then
# echo "$FROM" >> $TMPFILE2
# echo "" >> $TMPFILE2
# echo "commit $GIT_ID upstream." >> $TMPFILE2
# echo "" >> $TMPFILE2
# fi
# fi
#done < $TMPFILE1
#vim $TMPFILE2
#PATCH=`rename-patch $TMPFILE2`
#mv $PATCH ~/linux/stable/
#echo "moved $PATCH to ~/linux/stable/"