blob: ba780de11cf4ab33c25fcbf342d6b6587a21d785 [file] [log] [blame]
# This file is an example Aiaiai configuration file for the e-mail front-end.
# You do not need this if you do not use the e-mail front-end, which is about
# picking patches from the mailing list, validating them, and sending the reply
# back to the submitter.
# The configuration file is just an INI file with several sections. The "global"
# section describes global settings, obviously.
# The name and e-mail of the validation program. The replies will come
# from this name/e-mail.
ownname = Aiaiai
ownmail =
# Admin's name and e-mail. This name/e-mail will be advertised as the
# contact for questions and problem reports.
adminname = Artem Bityutskiy
adminmail =
# Aiaiai work directory. It will be used as temporary storage for
# compiling the kernel, storing temporary files, etc.
workdir = /home/aiaiai/work/aiaiai/workdir
# The maximum number of validators to run in parallel. This is
# different than the jobs variable, which controls how many threads to
# run for the make program. This can be used to allow concurrent
# validation of different patch series.
max_validators = 1
# How many parallel processes should be used for validating a patch
# or patch-set. This parameter simply translates to the "-j" option
# of the "make" program. Note, this parameter is not about how many
# patches or patch-sets can be validated at parallel.
jobs = 14
# Every e-mail the front-end sends will start with the preamble
preamble = /home/aiaiai/work/aiaiai/preamble.txt
# .. and end with this signature. Do not end with puncuation, as aiaiai
# will insert it for you.
signature = Regards, Aiaiai
# When the patch/patch-set passes the validation, this phrase is put
# after the preamble text. As above, do not end with punctuation, as
# aiaiai will insert it for you.
built_preamble = I have tested your changes
# These options control the LDA email program
# Reap all archived mail older than number of minutes specified.
reap_archive =
# Reap all incomplete series older than number of minutes specified.
reap_incomplete = 1440
# A hook called by aiaiai-email-test-patchset, which should output a
# zero exit status as well as the supported custom headers. If the hook
# wants to reject a patch, exit with return code 127. Any other return
# code indicates an internal error in the hook.
email =
# These options are probably not useful, but may help debug issues with aiaiai
# Set to (1) to disable sending reply emails when a patch is tested.
# This can help prevent spam while testing or debugging aiaiai.
disable_notifications = 0
# Set to (1) to preserve generated files instead of allowing aiaiai to
# cleanup after itself.
preserve_files = 0
# The "defaults" section specifies various default settings for projects. These
# values are overridden by the same values in the prj_* sections, so you may
# customize the settings per project if desired.
# The kernel configurations to test. You may specify more than one
# configuration using blanks as a delimiter. The configuration consists
# of the following comma-separated components: the defconfig file to
# use for building the kernel, the architecture to build for (the same
# as in ARCH=), and the cross-compiler prefix to use for compiling
# (same as in CROSS_COMPILE=). For example:
# omap2_defconfig,arm,arm-eabi-
# means: use the "omap2_defconfig" defconfig, use ARCH="arm", use
# CROSS_COMPILE="arm-eabi-". The last component is optional.
configs = x86_64_defconfig,x86_64 i386_defconfig,i386
# Comma-separated list of e-mail addresses to always CC when replying.
# These are maintainers or other project supervisors. This may be a
# separate mailing list for replies from Aiaiai.
always_cc = "Aiaiai archives" <>
# Reply only to the sender (0) or to everyone in To: and Cc: (1)
reply_to_all = 0
# Notify the sender that his/her e-mail has been accepted by the Aiaiai
# front-end and put to the queue for validation.
accept_notify = 0
# Path to the file containing unwanted keywords (one keyword per line).
# Aiaiai will check the patch against this list and notify if any of
# the keywords was found. This may be useful to help making sure some
# internal confidential information does not leak through commit
# messages or commentaries.
unwanted_keywords = /home/aiaiai/work/aiaiai/unwanted-keywords.txt
# Additional kernel build options which are appended to the end of the
# "make" command. For example, W=2 KALLSYMS_EXTRA_PASS=1.
kmake_opts = KCFLAGS='-Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-sign-compare' W=1
# List of targets (space seperated) for which to run a kernel make.
# Leaving this empty will default to "all" as the only target. However,
# the "all" target is not implicit so you should explicitly have it in
# the list if you want it to run.
targets = all namespacecheck
# Path to the directory containing the deconfig files (those specified
# for each project). Leave empty to use the kernel tree default
# configs.
defconfigdir =
# Whether to test bisectability between patches in a series (1), or
# only to check results of the squished patch-set (0)
bisectability = 0
# Set to (1) to enable sparse during kernel builds
sparse = 1
# Set to (1) to enable smatch during kernel builds
smatch = 0
# Set to (1) to enable cppcheck during kernel builds
cppcheck = 0
# Set to (1) to enable coccinelle scripts during kernel builds
coccinelle = 1
# Set to (1) to enable check during testing
checkpatch = 1
# The e-mail front-end may operate on several project. Each project has its
# own kernel tree, kernel configuration, and some other settings. These are
# configured in per-project sections. Section names have to start with "prj_"
# and follow with the name of the project. The 'name', 'description', 'path'
# and 'branch' settings are required and are not provided by the [defaults]
# section, so must be set for each project.
# This is the "android" project section.
# Human-readable project name.
name = Android
# Short, one line project description. Start it with a small letter.
description = the Android x86 kernel
# Path to the kernel tree of the project. Note, Aiaiai does treats this
# directory as read-only and never changes anything there. This means
# that you have to keep it up-to-date with other means. For example,
# you may setup a cron job which will periodically execute 'git fetch
# -f' in this directory in order to get the newest contents from the
# server. No default value.
path = /home/aiaiai/work/git/android-x86
# Remote url used for display only. Aiaiai does not directly use this,
# and does not attempt to keep the path up to date itself. This is used
# only for display to the user.
canonical_url = git://aiaiai/git/android-x86
# Git refspec to validate the patches against. Usually this a the
# remote branch name. But may actually be any refspec.
# Note, the defconfig files specified in the "configs" option must be
# part of this git refspec.
branch = origin/3.0-mid
# See the [defaults] section above for detailed explanation of the
# options below, and their formats. Be aware that any value set here
# will override the default value, ignoring anything set there. For
# example, setting the value to empty here will ignore the default
# value and actually set the option to the empty value. To use the
# default, simply leave the option out of the per-project section.
configs = android_defconfig,i386 android_debug_defconfig,i386
always_cc =
reply_to_all = 1
accept_notify = 1
unwanted_keywords =
kmake_opts = W=12 KALLSYMS_EXTRA_PASS=1 KCFLAGS='-Wno-missing-initializers -Wno-sign-compare'
# More "prj_xyz" sections may be added