blob: 13546ff8d4fa4646acafcf4adc9419f07b89a740 [file] [log] [blame]
* This code is heavily based on the code in ip_fw.h; see that file for
* copyrights and attributions. This code is basically GPL.
* 15-Feb-1997: Major changes to allow graphs for firewall rules.
* Paul Russell <> and
* Michael Neuling <>
* 2-Nov-1997: Changed types to __u16, etc.
* Added inverse flags field.
* Removed multiple port specs.
* Format of an IP firewall descriptor
* src, dst, src_mask, dst_mask are always stored in network byte order.
* flags are stored in host byte order (of course).
* Port numbers are stored in HOST byte order.
#ifndef _IP_FWCHAINS_H
#define _IP_FWCHAINS_H
#ifdef __KERNEL__
#include <linux/icmp.h>
#include <linux/in.h>
#include <linux/ip.h>
#include <linux/tcp.h>
#include <linux/udp.h>
#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
typedef char ip_chainlabel[IP_FW_MAX_LABEL_LENGTH+1];
struct ip_fw
struct in_addr fw_src, fw_dst; /* Source and destination IP addr */
struct in_addr fw_smsk, fw_dmsk; /* Mask for src and dest IP addr */
__u32 fw_mark; /* ID to stamp on packet */
__u16 fw_proto; /* Protocol, 0 = ANY */
__u16 fw_flg; /* Flags word */
__u16 fw_invflg; /* Inverse flags */
__u16 fw_spts[2]; /* Source port range. */
__u16 fw_dpts[2]; /* Destination port range. */
__u16 fw_redirpt; /* Port to redirect to. */
__u16 fw_outputsize; /* Max amount to output to
char fw_vianame[IFNAMSIZ]; /* name of interface "via" */
__u8 fw_tosand, fw_tosxor; /* Revised packet priority */
struct ip_fwuser
struct ip_fw ipfw;
ip_chainlabel label;
/* Values for "fw_flg" field . */
#define IP_FW_F_PRN 0x0001 /* Print packet if it matches */
#define IP_FW_F_TCPSYN 0x0002 /* For tcp packets-check SYN only */
#define IP_FW_F_FRAG 0x0004 /* Set if rule is a fragment rule */
#define IP_FW_F_MARKABS 0x0008 /* Set the mark to fw_mark, not add. */
#define IP_FW_F_WILDIF 0x0010 /* Need only match start of interface name. */
#define IP_FW_F_NETLINK 0x0020 /* Redirect to netlink: 2.1.x only */
#define IP_FW_F_MASK 0x003F /* All possible flag bits mask */
/* Values for "fw_invflg" field. */
#define IP_FW_INV_SRCIP 0x0001 /* Invert the sense of fw_src. */
#define IP_FW_INV_DSTIP 0x0002 /* Invert the sense of fw_dst. */
#define IP_FW_INV_PROTO 0x0004 /* Invert the sense of fw_proto. */
#define IP_FW_INV_SRCPT 0x0008 /* Invert the sense of source ports. */
#define IP_FW_INV_DSTPT 0x0010 /* Invert the sense of destination ports. */
#define IP_FW_INV_VIA 0x0020 /* Invert the sense of fw_vianame. */
#define IP_FW_INV_SYN 0x0040 /* Invert the sense of IP_FW_F_TCPSYN. */
#define IP_FW_INV_FRAG 0x0080 /* Invert the sense of IP_FW_F_FRAG. */
* New IP firewall options for [gs]etsockopt at the RAW IP level.
* Unlike BSD Linux inherits IP options so you don't have to use
* a raw socket for this. Instead we check rights in the calls. */
#define IP_FW_BASE_CTL 64 /* base for firewall socket options */
#define IP_FW_APPEND (IP_FW_BASE_CTL) /* Takes ip_fwchange */
#define IP_FW_REPLACE (IP_FW_BASE_CTL+1) /* Takes ip_fwnew */
#define IP_FW_DELETE_NUM (IP_FW_BASE_CTL+2) /* Takes ip_fwdelnum */
#define IP_FW_DELETE (IP_FW_BASE_CTL+3) /* Takes ip_fwchange */
#define IP_FW_INSERT (IP_FW_BASE_CTL+4) /* Takes ip_fwnew */
#define IP_FW_FLUSH (IP_FW_BASE_CTL+5) /* Takes ip_chainlabel */
#define IP_FW_ZERO (IP_FW_BASE_CTL+6) /* Takes ip_chainlabel */
#define IP_FW_CHECK (IP_FW_BASE_CTL+7) /* Takes ip_fwtest */
#define IP_FW_MASQ_TIMEOUTS (IP_FW_BASE_CTL+8) /* Takes 3 ints */
#define IP_FW_CREATECHAIN (IP_FW_BASE_CTL+9) /* Takes ip_chainlabel */
#define IP_FW_DELETECHAIN (IP_FW_BASE_CTL+10) /* Takes ip_chainlabel */
#define IP_FW_POLICY (IP_FW_BASE_CTL+11) /* Takes ip_fwpolicy */
/* Masquerade control, only 1 optname */
#define IP_FW_MASQ_CTL (IP_FW_BASE_CTL+12) /* General ip_masq ctl */
/* Builtin chain labels */
#define IP_FW_LABEL_FORWARD "forward"
#define IP_FW_LABEL_INPUT "input"
#define IP_FW_LABEL_OUTPUT "output"
/* Special targets */
/* Files in /proc/net */
#define IP_FW_PROC_CHAINS "ip_fwchains"
#define IP_FW_PROC_CHAIN_NAMES "ip_fwnames"
struct ip_fwpkt
struct iphdr fwp_iph; /* IP header */
union {
struct tcphdr fwp_tcph; /* TCP header or */
struct udphdr fwp_udph; /* UDP header */
struct icmphdr fwp_icmph; /* ICMP header */
} fwp_protoh;
struct in_addr fwp_via; /* interface address */
char fwp_vianame[IFNAMSIZ]; /* interface name */
/* The argument to IP_FW_DELETE and IP_FW_APPEND */
struct ip_fwchange
struct ip_fwuser fwc_rule;
ip_chainlabel fwc_label;
/* The argument to IP_FW_CHECK. */
struct ip_fwtest
struct ip_fwpkt fwt_packet; /* Packet to be tested */
ip_chainlabel fwt_label; /* Block to start test in */
/* The argument to IP_FW_DELETE_NUM */
struct ip_fwdelnum
__u32 fwd_rulenum;
ip_chainlabel fwd_label;
/* The argument to IP_FW_REPLACE and IP_FW_INSERT */
struct ip_fwnew
__u32 fwn_rulenum;
struct ip_fwuser fwn_rule;
ip_chainlabel fwn_label;
/* The argument to IP_FW_POLICY */
struct ip_fwpolicy
ip_chainlabel fwp_policy;
ip_chainlabel fwp_label;
* timeouts for ip masquerading
extern int ip_fw_masq_timeouts(void *, int);
* Main firewall chains definitions and global var's definitions.
#ifdef __KERNEL__
#include <linux/config.h>
#include <linux/version.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
extern void ip_fw_init(void) __init;
#else /* 2.0.x */
extern void ip_fw_init(void);
#endif /* 2.1.x */
extern int ip_fw_ctl(int, void *, int);
extern int ip_masq_uctl(int, char *, int);
#endif /* KERNEL */
#endif /* _IP_FWCHAINS_H */