blob: fa3ec5458576daeaf9db23f969209fdc65420685 [file] [log] [blame]
* Low Level Driver for the IBM Microchannel SCSI Subsystem
* (Headerfile, see README.ibmmca for description of the IBM MCA SCSI-driver
* For use under the GNU General Public License within the Linux-kernel project.
* This include file works only correctly with kernel 2.4.0 or higher!!! */
#ifndef _IBMMCA_H
#define _IBMMCA_H
/* Common forward declarations for all Linux-versions: */
/* Interfaces to the midlevel Linux SCSI driver */
extern int ibmmca_proc_info (char *, char **, off_t, int, int, int);
extern int ibmmca_detect (Scsi_Host_Template *);
extern int ibmmca_release (struct Scsi_Host *);
extern int ibmmca_command (Scsi_Cmnd *);
extern int ibmmca_queuecommand (Scsi_Cmnd *, void (*done) (Scsi_Cmnd *));
extern int ibmmca_abort (Scsi_Cmnd *);
extern int ibmmca_reset (Scsi_Cmnd *, unsigned int);
extern int ibmmca_biosparam (Disk *, kdev_t, int *);
/*structure for /proc filesystem */
extern struct proc_dir_entry proc_scsi_ibmmca;
* 2/8/98
* Note to maintainer of IBMMCA. Do not change this initializer back to
* the old format. Please ask if you have any questions
* about this, but it will break things in the future.
#define IBMMCA { \
proc_name: "ibmmca", /*proc_name*/ \
proc_info: ibmmca_proc_info, /*proc info fn*/ \
name: "IBM SCSI-Subsystem", /*name*/ \
detect: ibmmca_detect, /*detect fn*/ \
release: ibmmca_release, /*release fn*/ \
command: ibmmca_command, /*command fn*/ \
queuecommand: ibmmca_queuecommand, /*queuecommand fn*/ \
abort: ibmmca_abort, /*abort fn*/ \
reset: ibmmca_reset, /*reset fn*/ \
bios_param: ibmmca_biosparam, /*bios fn*/ \
can_queue: 16, /*can_queue*/ \
this_id: 7, /*set by detect*/ \
sg_tablesize: 16, /*sg_tablesize*/ \
cmd_per_lun: 1, /*cmd_per_lun*/ \
unchecked_isa_dma: 0, /*32-Bit Busmaster */ \
use_clustering: ENABLE_CLUSTERING /*use_clustering*/ \
#endif /* _IBMMCA_H */