blob: 931068d104302fd5ff6f81bd9124cad507822333 [file] [log] [blame]
#! /bin/bash
# FS QA Test No. 194
# Test mapping around/over holes for sub-page blocks
# Copyright (c) 2008 Eric Sandeen. All Rights Reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# creator
seq=`basename $0`
echo "QA output created by $seq"
status=1 # failure is the default!
trap "_cleanup; exit \$status" 0 1 2 3 15
cd /
rm -f $tmp.*
# get standard environment, filters and checks
. ./common.rc
. ./common.filter
# only xfs supported due to use of xfs_bmap
_supported_fs xfs
_supported_os IRIX Linux
# real QA test starts here
rm -f $seq.full
# For this test we use block size = 1/8 page size
pgsize=`$here/src/feature -s`
blksize=`expr $pgsize / 8`
# Filter out file mountpoint and physical location info
# Input:
# 0: [0..63]: 160..223 0 (160..223) 64
# 1: [64..127]: hole 64
# Output:
# SCRATCH_MNT/testfile4: TYPE
# 0: blocks 1
# 1: hole 1
tee -a $seq.full | \
awk \
'$3 ~ /hole/ { print $1 "\t" $3 "\t" ($4 * 512) / blksize; next }
$1 ~ /^[0-9]/ { print $1 "\tblocks\t" ($6 * 512) / blksize; next }
$1 ~ /^SCRATCH/ { print $1; next }
{ print $1 "\tTYPE\t" $6 }' blksize=$blksize
# Filter out offsets, which vary by blocksize
tee -a $seq.full | \
sed -e "s/^[0-9A-Fa-f ]\{7,8\}//"
_scratch_mkfs_xfs -b size=$blksize >/dev/null 2>&1
# 512b block / 4k page example:
#1) Write 1k of data (buffered):
# |1111|1111|
# 2) ftruncate back to 256 bytes:
# |1100|
# 3) ftruncate out to 4k: ("H" means hole (expected))
# So we should have 1 block of data/0, 7 blocks of holes.
# 4) check what's there with a direct IO read
# In fact what I get is 1 block of data/0, 1 block of 0's, and 7 blocks of
# garbage:
# The garbage is in fact stale data from the disk.
# Check that we don't get stale data and that the hole is a hole:
echo "== Test 1 =="
# Write, truncate in, truncate out
xfs_io \
-c "pwrite -S 0x11 -b `expr $pgsize / 2` 0 `expr $pgsize / 2`" \
-c "truncate `expr $blksize / 2`" \
-c "truncate $pgsize" \
-t -f $SCRATCH_MNT/testfile1 >> $seq.full
# directio read of entire file
xfs_io \
-c "pread 0 $pgsize" \
-d $SCRATCH_MNT/testfile1 >> $seq.full
xfs_bmap -v $SCRATCH_MNT/testfile1 | _filter_bmap
od -x $SCRATCH_MNT/testfile1 | _filter_od
# Similar but write another block to create block/hole/block/hole
echo "== Test 2 =="
# Write, truncate in, truncate out, write to middle
xfs_io \
-c "pwrite -S 0x11 -b `expr $pgsize / 2` 0 `expr $pgsize / 2`" \
-c "truncate `expr $blksize / 2`" \
-c "truncate $pgsize" \
-c "pwrite -S 0x22 -b $blksize `expr $blksize \* 4` $blksize" \
-t -f $SCRATCH_MNT/testfile2 >> $seq.full
# directio read of entire file
xfs_io \
-c "pread 0 $pgsize" \
-d $SCRATCH_MNT/testfile2 >> $seq.full
xfs_bmap -v $SCRATCH_MNT/testfile2 | _filter_bmap
od -x $SCRATCH_MNT/testfile2 | _filter_od
# 512 byte block / 4k page example:
# direct write 1 page (8 blocks) of "0x11" to 0x1000
# map read 1 block, 512 (0x200) at 0
# truncate to half a block, 256 (0x100)
# truncate to block+1, 513 (0x201)
# direct write "0x22" for 1 block at offset 2048 (0x800)
# |1111|1111|1111|1111|1111|1111|1111|1111| Write 1's
# |MRMR|1111|1111|1111|1111|1111|1111|1111| mapread
# |11--| truncate down
# |1100|0---| truncate up, block+1
# | | |HHHH|HHHH|2222| Write 2's (extending)
# |uptodate?|
# |1100|0000|1111|1111|2222|----|----|----| <- potential badness
# We're looking for this badness due to mapping over a hole:
# Exposes stale data from 0x400 (1024) through 0x800 (2048)
# 00000000 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 |................|
# *
# 00000100 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
# *
# 00000400 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 |................| <- BAD
# *
# 00000800 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 |""""""""""""""""|
# *
# 00000a00
# We *should* get:
# |1100|HHHH|HHHH|HHHH|2222|----|----|----|
echo "== Test 3 =="
xfs_io \
-c "pwrite -S 0x11 -b $pgsize 0 $pgsize" \
-c "mmap -r 0 $blksize" -c "mread 0 $blksize" -c "munmap" \
-c "truncate `expr $blksize / 2`" \
-c "truncate `expr $blksize + 1`" \
-c "pwrite -S 0x22 -b $blksize `expr $pgsize / 2` $blksize" \
-t -d -f $SCRATCH_MNT/testfile3 >> $seq.full
xfs_bmap -v $SCRATCH_MNT/testfile3 | _filter_bmap
od -x $SCRATCH_MNT/testfile3 | _filter_od
# Now try the same thing but write a sector in the middle of that hole
# If things go badly stale data will be exposed either side.
# This is most interesting for block size > 512 (page size > 4096)
# We *should* get:
# |1100|HHHH|33HH|HHHH|2222|----|----|----|
echo "== Test 4 =="
xfs_io \
-c "pwrite -S 0x11 -b $pgsize 0 $pgsize" \
-c "mmap -r 0 $blksize" -c "mread 0 $blksize" -c "munmap" \
-c "truncate `expr $blksize / 2`" \
-c "truncate `expr $blksize + 1`" \
-c "pwrite -S 0x22 -b $blksize `expr $pgsize / 2` $blksize" \
-c "pwrite -S 0x33 -b 512 `expr $blksize \* 2` 512" \
-t -d -f $SCRATCH_MNT/testfile4 >> $seq.full
xfs_bmap -v $SCRATCH_MNT/testfile4 | _filter_bmap
od -x $SCRATCH_MNT/testfile4 | _filter_od
# success, all done