blob: e8da5224dbf72985ffba8bf158972f609715c4ef [file] [log] [blame]
Service unique name
Interface net.connman.Notification
Object path freely definable
Methods void Release()
This method gets called when the service daemon
unregisters the session. A counter can use it to do
cleanup tasks. There is no need to unregister the
session, because when this method gets called it has
already been unregistered.
void Update(dict settings)
Sends an update of changed settings. Only settings
that are changed will be included.
Initially on every session creation this method is
called once to inform about the current settings.
Service net.connman
Interface net.connman.Session
Object path variable
Methods void Destroy()
Close the current session. This is similar to
DestroySession method on the manager interface. It
is just provided for convenience depending on how
the application wants to track the session.
void Connect()
If not connected, then attempt to connect this
The usage of this method depends a little bit on
the model of the application. Some application
should not try to call Connect on any session at
all. They should just monitor if it becomes online
or gets back offline.
Others might require an active connection right now.
So for example email notification should only check
for new emails when a connection is available. However
if the user presses the button for get email or wants
to send an email it should request to get online with
this method.
Depending on the bearer settings the current service
is used or a new service will be connected.
This method returns immediately after it has been
called. The application is informed through the update
notification about the state of the session.
It is also not guaranteed that a session stays online
after this method call. It can be taken offline at any
time. This might happen because of idle timeouts or
other reasons.
It is safe to call this method multiple times. The
actual usage will be sorted out for the application.
void Disconnect()
This method indicates that the current session does
not need a connection anymore.
This method returns immediately. The application is
informed through the update notification about the
state of the session.
void Change(string name, variant value)
Change the value of certain settings. Not all
settings can be changed. Normally this should not
be needed or an extra session should be created.
However in some cases it makes sense to change
a value and trigger different behavior.
A change of a setting will cause an update notification
to be sent. Some changes might cause the session to
be moved to offline state.
Settings string State [readonly]
This indicates if the connection is disconnected,
connected or online. It is updated according to the
selected ConnectionType. The session will not be
in a useful shape (i.e.: providing a network connection
to the owner) until its State gets updated to connected
and/or online.
This maps to the useful port of the service state.
And it is only valid for the selected bearer
configuration. Otherwise it will be reported as
disconnected even if connected services are present.
In addition the State settings notification might
not happen right away. Notifications of this state
can be delayed based on the speed of the bearer. It
is done to avoid congestion on bearers like cellular
string Name [readonly]
The Service name to which the system is connected.
It should only be used for displaying it in the UI
and not for getting hold on session object.
string Bearer [readonly]
This indicates the current bearer that is used
for this session. Or an empty string if no bearer
if available.
string Interface [readonly]
Interface name used by the service object to connect.
This name can be used for SO_BINDTODEVICE in the
dict IPv4 [readonly]
Current IPv4 configuration.
dict IPv6 [readonly]
Current IPv6 configuration.
array{string} AllowedBearers [readwrite]
A list of bearers that can be used for this session.
In general this list should be empty to indicate that
any bearer is acceptable.
The order of the entries in AllowedBearers matters.
The services are sorted in the order of the bearer
entries in this list.
Also "*" matches any bearer. This is usefull to prefer
certain bearers such as 'wifi' with a fallback to any
other available bearer.
Invalid bearer names will be ignored and removed
from the list. And empty AllowedBearers will
not match to any bearer, therefore the session
will never go online.
When a session is created and the provided settings
dictionary does not contain AllowedBearers, a default
session with "*" will be created.
string ConnectionType [readwrite]
This is used to indicate which connection is requested
from the session. The state of the session will be
updated accordingly. Values can be 'local',
'internet' or 'any'.
'local' means the session requests to be connected,
but does not require specifically to be online.
Therefore State property will be set to 'connected' if
underlying service gets ready and/or online.
'online' means the session requests to be connected,
and online. State property will never get 'connected'
but instead will switch to 'online' if underlying
service gets online.
'any' means either 'local' or 'internet'.
Invalid values will be ignored and removed. An
empty ConnectionType is an invalid configuration.
When a session is created and the provided settings
dictionary does not contain ConnectionType, a default
session with 'any' will be created.
(This setting will be removed when the unique process
identification problem is solved.)
string AllowedInterface [readwrite] [experimental]
This field is used to bind a session to a specific
network interface. If this field is empty, the first
interface from a list of available ones will be used.
Also "*" string matches any interface.
Only one interface may be specified.
If a specified network interface is not available
(e.g. because AllowedBearers filters it out), the
session will not go online.
boolean SourceIPRule [readwrite] [experimental]
If set to true the session will create source IP
address rule in the firewall, which redirects traffic
to that session's routing table.
Each session maintains a dedicated routing table, with
a default route. When the source IP rule is enabled,
an application can select which session/interface to
send traffic on, using bind-before-connect mechanism.