blob: 1aa06b68e1e19668b22ec02bc3f0171928baaabb [file] [log] [blame]
Agent hierarchy
Service unique name
Interface org.moblin.connman.Agent
Object path freely definable
Methods void Release()
This method gets called when the service daemon
unregisters the agent. An agent can use it to do
cleanup tasks. There is no need to unregister the
agent, because when this method gets called it has
already been unregistered.
void ReportError(object service, string error)
This method gets called when an error has to be
reported to the user.
A special return value can be used to trigger a
retry of the failed transaction.
Possible Errors: [service].Error.Retry
dict RequestInput(object service, dict fields)
This method gets called when trying to connect to
a service and some extra input is required. For
example a passphrase or the name of a hidden network.
The return value should be a dictionary where the
keys are the field names and the values are the
actual fields. Alternative an error indicating that
the request got cannceled can be returned.
Most common return field names are "Name" and of
course "Passphrase".
The dictionary arguments contains field names with
their input parameters.
Possible Errors: [service].Error.Canceled
void Cancel()
This method gets called to indicate that the agent
request failed before a reply was returned.
Fields string Name
The name of a network. This field will be requested
when trying to connect to a hidden network.
array{byte} SSID
This field is an alternative to "Name" for WiFi
networks and can be used to return the exact binary
representation of a network name.
Normally returning the "Name" field is the better
option here.
string Passphrase
The passphrase for a network. For example a WEP
key or a PSK passphrase.
Arguments string Type
Contains the type of a field. For example "psk",
"wep", "ssid" or plain "string".
string Requirement
Contains the requirement option. Valid values are
"mandatory", "optional" or "alternate".
The "alternate" specifies that this field can be
return as an alternative to another one. An example
would be the network name or SSID.
All "mandatory" fields must be returned, while the
"optional" can be returned if available.
array{string} Alternates
Contains the list of alternate field names this
field can be represented by.
Examples Requesting a passphrase for WPA2 network
{ "Passphrase" : { "Type" : "psk",
"Requirement" : "mandatory"
==> { "Passphrase" : "secret123" }
Requesting name for hidden network
{ "Name" : { "Type" : "string",
"Requirement" : "mandatory",
"Alternates" : [ "SSID" ]
"SSID" : { "Type" : "ssid",
"Requirement" : "alternate"
==> { "Name" : "My hidden network" }