blob: 3430bf003f4176d051446af720a9d594d90c0eef [file] [log] [blame]
Device hierarchy
Service org.neard
Interface org.neard.Device
Object path [variable prefix]/{nfc0}/{device0, device1...}
Method dict GetProperties()
Returns all properties for the device. See the
properties section for available properties.
Possible Errors: org.neard.Error.DoesNotExist
void Push(dict attributes)
Creates an NDEF record from the attributes dictionary.
The attributes argument should at least contain a
record type. The rest of the attributes dictionary
depends on the record type:
| Type | Additional dictionary keys |
| Text | Encoding, Language, Representation |
| URI | URI |
| SmartPoster | URI |
| Handover | Carrier (wifi or/and bluetooth) |
| StaticHandover | Carrier (wifi or/and bluetooth) |
| MIME | MIME, Payload (optional) |
Possible Errors: org.neard.Error.PermissionDenied
Signals PropertyChanged(string name, variant value)
This signal indicates a changed value of the given
Properties array{object} Records [readonly]
List of NDEF records object paths.