blob: 83a2bc09f353bf50d28135ebfa68d69ff3a1dbcc [file] [log] [blame]
Network registration hierarchy
Service org.ofono
Interface org.ofono.NetworkRegistration
Object path [variable prefix]/{modem0,modem1,...}
Methods dict GetProperties()
Returns all network registration properties. See the
properties section for available properties.
void Register()
Attempts to register to the default network. The
default network is normally selected by the settings
from the SIM card.
Possible Errors: [service].Error.InProgress
array{object,dict} GetOperators()
Retrieve array of operator object and properties.
This method can be used to retrieve the current
operator list. This is either an empty list (when
not registered to any network) or a list with one
or more operators (when registered).
This list will also return cached values of previously
seen networks. Manual updates to list can only be
done via the Scan method call.
array{object,dict} Scan()
Runs a network operator scan to discover the currently
available operators. This operation can take several
seconds, and up to several minutes on some modems.
This can be used to help the user determine what is
the best operator to use if forced to roam on a
foreign network.
NOTE: The operator scan can interfere with any active
GPRS contexts. Expect the context to be unavailable
for the duration of the operator scan.
Possible Errors: [service].Error.InProgress
Signals PropertyChanged(string property, variant value)
This signal indicates a changed value of the given
Properties string Mode [readonly]
The current registration mode. The default of this
is "auto", but can be changed during operation. This
property will change to "manual" if the Register()
method of an operator is called.
The possible values are:
"auto" Network registration is performed
"auto-only" Network registration is performed
automatically, and manual
selection is disabled.
"manual" Network operator is selected
manually. If the operator is
currently not selected,
registration is not attempted.
string Status [readonly]
The current registration status of a modem.
The possible values are:
"unregistered" Not registered to any network
"registered" Registered to home network
"searching" Not registered, but searching
"denied" Registration has been denied
"unknown" Status is unknown
"roaming" Registered, but roaming
uint16 LocationAreaCode [readonly, optional]
Contains the current location area code.
TODO: Agent based location signalling would be better.
uint32 CellId [readonly, optional]
Contains the current network cell id.
TODO: Agent based location signalling would be better.
string MobileCountryCode [readonly, optional]
Contains the Mobile Country Code (MCC). This is
repeated here for convenience. It can also be obtained
from the NetworkOperator interface.
string MobileNetworkCode [readonly, optional]
Contains the Mobile Network Code (MNC). This is
repeated here for convenience. It can also be obtained
from the NetworkOperator interface.
string Technology [readonly, optional]
Contains the technology of the current network.
The possible values are: "gsm", "edge", "umts", "hspa",
string Name [readonly]
Contains the current operator name, suitable for
display on the idle screen or an empty string if
not registered to a network.
byte Strength [readonly, optional]
Contains the current signal strength as a percentage
between 0-100 percent.
string BaseStation [readonly, optional]
If the Cell Broadcast service is available and
properly configured, this attribute will contain the
name of the current service cell. This is typically a
descriptive name of the local area, e.g. name of the
suburb. If no name is provided or becomes
unavailable, this property will not be returned by
GetProperties or will be set to an empty string.
Network operator hierarchy
Service org.ofono
Interface org.ofono.NetworkOperator
Object path [variable prefix]/{modem0,modem1,...}/{operator0,operator1,...}
Methods dict GetProperties()
Returns all network operator properties. See the
properties section for available properties.
void Register()
Attempts to register to this network operator.
The method will return immediately, the result should
be observed by tracking the NetworkRegistration Status
Possible Errors: [service].Error.InProgress
Signals PropertyChanged(string property, variant value)
This signal indicates a changed value of the given
Properties string Name [readonly]
Contains the name of the operator, suitable for using
as a string handle in a UI widget used for manual
network selection. For a proper display name of the
current operator, use the Name property of the
NetworkRegistration interface instead.
string Status [readonly]
Contains the status of the operator.
The possible values are: "unknown", "available",
"current" and "forbidden"
string MobileCountryCode [readonly, optional]
Contains the Mobile Country Code (MCC).
string MobileNetworkCode [readonly, optional]
Contains the Mobile Network Code (MNC)
array{string} Technologies [readonly, optional]
Contains a list of technologies currently available
from this network provider.
The possible values are: "gsm", "edge", "umts", "hspa",
string AdditionalInformation [readonly, optional]
Contains a short description of the operator. This is
typically stored on the SIM and might be available
only for select operators.