blob: 95ae1e1dbdec105e94095305308e4518a0077659 [file] [log] [blame]
With the support of QtScript, now phonesim is scriptable, which means you may
manipulate or extend phonesim's functionality using ECMA script language
(defined in ECMA-262). At the same time, some D-Bus interface and dedicated
methods are also defined to facilitate this feature. As a result, full test
automation can be achieved (Without this, if you want to initiate an incoming
call, you have to do some operations manually within phonesim GUI). Below are
several examples:
1. call.js (stand for incoming call and copy it to /tmp/call/)
tabCall.gbIncomingCall.leCaller.text = "12345";;
Then set the path of script and run the script with its name:
dbus-send --session --print-reply --dest=org.ofono.phonesim /
org.ofono.phonesim.Script.SetPath string:/tmp/call
dbus-send --session --print-reply --dest=org.ofono.phonesim /
org.ofono.phonesim.Script.Run string:call.js
Now you have simulated an incoming call.
PS: If you want to know the hierarchy of UI elements, check the file
2. sms.js (stand for incoming sms and copy it to /tmp/sms/)
tabSMS.gbMessage1.leMessageSender.text = "Yang";
tabSMS.gbMessage1.leSMSClass.text = "1";
tabSMS.gbMessage1.teSMSText.setPlainText("Sent from phonesim");;
Then do the similar things as first example:
dbus-send --session --print-reply --dest=org.ofono.phonesim /
org.ofono.phonesim.Script.SetPath string:/tmp/sms
dbus-send --session --print-reply --dest=org.ofono.phonesim /
org.ofono.phonesim.Script.Run string:sms.js
Now you have simulated an incoming sms.
3. Get the current path for script
dbus-send --session --print-reply --dest=org.ofono.phonesim /
4. Make script return some string
The string can be any string, number, bool, date, etc in JavaScript, but it
couldn't be a object because of some side effect. Refer "QScriptValue Class
Reference" for details.
For example, if you want to know the current incoming number, you may write a
script as below:
// number.js
After running the script the similar way as above, you may get the number.