blob: 62f8ca9873568b2ce8b3541f46dc42d602fa7b04 [file] [log] [blame]
# You can pull from multiple grok mirrors, just create
# a separate section for each mirror. The name can be anything.
# The host part of the mirror you're pulling from.
#site = git://
site = git://
# Where the grok manifest is published. Only http:// or https://
# protocols are supported at this time, due to the use of
# If-Modified-Since http header.
#manifest =
manifest =
# Where are we going to put the mirror on our disk?
#toplevel = /var/lib/git/mirror
toplevel = /var/lib/git/mirror
# Where do we store our own manifest? Usually in the toplevel.
#mymanifest = /var/lib/git/mirror/manifest.js.gz
mymanifest = /var/lib/git/mirror/manifest.js.gz
# Write out projects.list that can be used by gitweb or cgit.
# Leave blank if you don't want a projects.list.
#projectslist = /var/lib/git/mirror/projects.list
projectslist = /var/lib/git/mirror/projects.list
# When generating projects.list, start at this subpath instead
# of at the toplevel. Useful when mirroring kernel or when generating
# multiple gitweb/cgit configurations for the same tree.
#projectslist_trimtop = /pub/scm/
projectslist_trimtop = /pub/scm/
# A simple hook to execute whenever a repository is modified.
# It passes the full path to the git repository modified as the only
# argument.
#post_update_hook = /usr/local/bin/make-git-fairies-appear
post_update_hook =
# If owner is not specified in the manifest, who should be listed
# as the default owner in tools like gitweb or cgit?
#default_owner = Grokmirror User
default_owner = Grokmirror User
# Where do we put the logs?
#log = /var/log/mirror/kernelorg.log
log = /var/log/mirror/kernelorg.log
# Log level can be "info" or "debug"
#loglevel = info
loglevel = info
# To prevent multiple grok-pull instances from running at the same
# time, we first obtain an exclusive lock.
#lock = /var/lock/mirror/kernelorg.lock
lock = /var/lock/mirror/kernelorg.lock
# Use shell-globbing to list the repositories you would like to mirror.
# If you want to mirror everything, just say "*". Separate multiple entries
# with newline plus tab. Examples:
# mirror everything:
#include = *
# mirror just the main kernel sources:
#include = /pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git
# /pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git
# /pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/next/linux-next.git
# mirror just git:
#include = /pub/scm/git/*
include = *
# This is processed after the include. If you want to exclude some specific
# entries from an all-inclusive globbing above. E.g., to exclude all linux-2.4
# git sources:
#exclude = */linux-2.4*
exclude =