blob: 621bddc924936d58c92f2237d5dd2437adbd39fa [file] [log] [blame]
Notes for util-linux-ng developers
* "./" generates all necessary files (run it after checkout from
* "make distclean" removes all unnecessary files, but code is still possible
recompile by "./configure; make"
* "make dist-gzip" (or -bzip2) creates tarball which is possible use without
* send your patches to the mailing list or to upstream maintainer
(see the AUTHORS file)
* diff -u
* don't include generated (autotools) stuff to your patches (use git-clean [-X])
* patches are delivered via email only. Downloading them from internet
servers is a pain.
* one patch per email, with the changelog in the body of the email.
* Subject: [PATCH] subsystem: description
* if someone else wrote the patch, they should be credited (and blamed) for it.
To communicate this, add a line:
From: John Doe <>
* add a Signed-off-by line:
Signed-off-by: Foo Bar <>
* there is a lot of really useful rules. Please, read:
The perfect patch
SCM (source code management):
git clone git:// util-linux-ng
* maintenance (stable) branch
- created for every <major>.<minor> release
- branch name: stable/v<major>.<minor>
* bugfix branch
- created for <major>.<minor>.<maint> release for critical/security bugs only
- this branch is optional
- branch name: stable/v<major>.<minor>.<maint>
* master branch
- the status of this branch is: "it works for me". It means useful
but not well tested patches.
- it's source for occasional snapshots
- for long-term development or invasive changes should be an active
development forked into a separate branch (topic branches) from the
tip of "master".
* A new tag object is created for:
- every release, tag name: v<version>