blob: 5383eda91e2b8d79f6c0ebbc8873edbb1a5e76fc [file] [log] [blame]
include ../make_include
PREFIX = @prefix@
# Something like /usr/lib/kbd or /usr/share/kbd
ifndef DATA_DIR
DATA_DIR = @datadir@
ifndef BINDIR
# Maybe we want to use a qwertz keyboard before /usr is mounted
ifeq ($(PREFIX), /usr)
# Omit the "-o root" when installing elsewhere
ifeq "$(DESTDIR)" ""
setowner = -o root
setowner =
PROGS = dumpkeys loadkeys showkey setfont showconsolefont \
setleds setmetamode kbd_mode chvt deallocvt \
psfxtable kbdrate fgconsole
# probably also getkeycodes and setkeycodes are arch-specific;
# they will work on an alpha, though, and perhaps be dummy on a sun
ifneq ($(ARCH), m68k)
ifneq ($(ARCH), sparc)
PROGS += getkeycodes setkeycodes
ifeq ($(ARCH), i386)
PROGS += resizecons
OLDPROGS= mapscrn loadunimap
# Not installed by default
MISC = screendump setlogcons setvesablank spawn_console spawn_login \
getunimap clrunimap outpsfheader setpalette
# Installed by default
SHCMDS = unicode_start unicode_stop
WARN = -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes
CC = gcc
YACC = bison -y
LEX = flex -8
$(CC) -c $(WARN) $(CFLAGS) $(DEFS) $<
progs: $(PROGS)
old: $(OLDPROGS)
install: all
install -d -m 0755 $(BINDIR) $(LOADKEYS_BINDIR)
install -s -m 0755 $(setowner) $(PROGS) $(OLDPROGS) $(BINDIR)
# install -s -m 0755 $(setowner) $(MISC) $(BINDIR)
install -c -m 0755 $(setowner) $(SHCMDS) $(BINDIR)
for i in psfaddtable psfgettable psfstriptable; do \
rm -f $(BINDIR)/$$i; ln -s psfxtable $(BINDIR)/$$i; \
rm -f $(BINDIR)/loadkeys
install -s -m 0755 $(setowner) loadkeys $(LOADKEYS_BINDIR)
@echo "You may also want to add psf.magic to /usr/lib/magic"
# loadkeys.o: separate rule since the flex output does not permit -Wall
loadkeys.o: loadkeys.c analyze.c
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(DEFS) $<
# mapscrn and loadunimap are now part of setfont
# but can be compiled separately, if desired
main_mapscrn.o: mapscrn.c paths.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(WARN) $(DEFS) -DMAIN -c $< -o $@
main_loadunimap.o: loadunimap.c paths.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(WARN) $(DEFS) -DMAIN -c $< -o $@
$(OLDPROGS): %: main_%.o findfile.o psffontop.o utf8.o
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $^ -o $@
clean reallyclean spotless distclean:
rm -f core *.o analyze.c loadkeys.c
rm -f $(PROGS) $(OLDPROGS) $(MISC) *~
$(PROGS): %: %.o
# dependencies
ksyms.o: koi8.syms.h ethiopic.syms.h
findfile.o loadkeys.o loadunimap.o mapscrn.o resizecons.o setfont.o: findfile.h
catwithfont.o chvt.o clrunimap.o deallocvt.o dumpkeys.o fgconsole.o: getfd.h
getfd.o getkeycodes.o getunimap.o kbd_mode.o loadkeys.o loadunimap.o: getfd.h
mapscrn.o resizecons.o setfont.o setkeycodes.o setlogcons.o: getfd.h
setpalette.o setvesablank.o showconsolefont.o showkey.o: getfd.h
kdfontop.o setfont.o showconsolefont.o: kdfontop.h
clrunimap.o kdmapop.o loadunimap.o mapscrn.o: kdmapop.h
dumpkeys.o ksyms.o loadkeys.o: ksyms.h
dumpkeys.o loadkeys.o: modifiers.h
catwithfont.o chvt.o clrunimap.o deallocvt.o dumpkeys.o fgconsole.o: nls.h
findfile.o getfd.o getkeycodes.o getunimap.o kbd_mode.o kbdrate.o: nls.h
kdfontop.o ksyms.o loadkeys.o loadunimap.o mapscrn.o psffontop.o: nls.h
psfxtable.o resizecons.o screendump.o setfont.o setkeycodes.o setleds.o: nls.h
setmetamode.o setvesablank.o showconsolefont.o showkey.o xmalloc.o: nls.h
loadkeys.o loadunimap.o mapscrn.o resizecons.o setfont.o: paths.h
loadunimap.o psffontop.o psfxtable.o setfont.o: psf.h
psffontop.o psfxtable.o setfont.o: psffontop.h
loadunimap.o psffontop.o utf8.o: utf8.h
chvt.o deallocvt.o dumpkeys.o getkeycodes.o getunimap.o kbd_mode.o: version.h
kbdrate.o loadkeys.o loadunimap.o mapscrn.o psfxtable.o resizecons.o: version.h
screendump.o setfont.o setkeycodes.o setleds.o setmetamode.o: version.h
showconsolefont.o showkey.o totextmode.o: version.h
findfile.o kdfontop.o loadunimap.o psffontop.o psfxtable.o: xmalloc.h
setfont.o xmalloc.o: xmalloc.h
# constituent object files
dumpkeys loadkeys: ksyms.o xmalloc.o
getunimap screendump showconsolefont: xmalloc.o
psfxtable: psffontop.o xmalloc.o utf8.o
loadkeys mapscrn setfont resizecons loadunimap: findfile.o xmalloc.o
chvt clrunimap deallocvt dumpkeys fgconsole getkeycodes getunimap: getfd.o
kbd_mode loadkeys loadunimap mapscrn resizecons setkeycodes setfont: getfd.o
setpalette showconsolefont setlogcons setvesablank showkey: getfd.o
setfont: mapscrn.o loadunimap.o kdmapop.o kdfontop.o psffontop.o utf8.o
loadunimap: utf8.o
getunimap mapscrn clrunimap loadunimap showconsolefont: kdmapop.o
catwithfont showconsolefont: kdfontop.o