blob: 890f08388ffbc342bcf11ca06bbdf0b991321fde [file] [log] [blame]
\ Load file for application-specific Forth extensions
\ This particular one is sort of a "kitchen sink" build
\ with a bunch of drivers for various sensors.
fl common.fth
fl ../../lib/random.fth
fl ../../lib/ilog2.fth
fl ../../lib/tek.fth
also modem
: rx ( -- ) pad unused pad here - - (receive) #100 ms ;
\ fl ../../sensors/vl6180x.fth
fl ../../sensors/ds18x20.fth
fl ../../sensors/ads1115.fth
fl ../../sensors/bme280.fth
fl ../../sensors/pca9685.fth
fl hcsr04.fth
fl wifi.fth
fl tcpnew.fth
fl ../../lib/redirect.fth
fl sendfile.fth
fl server.fth
\ fl serve-sensors.fth
fl car.fth
\ Measures NTC thermistor on channel 2 pulled up with 10K
\ against 2:1 voltage divider on channel 3.
: ads-temp@ ( -- n ) 3 ads-channel@ w->n ;
: init-i2c ( -- ) 3 4 i2c-setup ;
\ Replace 'quit' to make CForth auto-run some application code
\ instead of just going interactive.
\ : app banner hex init-i2c showstack quit ;
: app
banner hex
interrupt? if quit then
['] load-startup-file catch drop
fl ${CBP}/lib/fb.fth
fl ${CBP}/lib/font5x7.fth
fl ${CBP}/lib/ssd1306.fth
: init-wemos-oled ( -- )
1 2 i2c-setup
: test-wemos-oled ( -- )
#20 0 do i (u.) fb-type " Hello" fb-type fb-cr loop
fl wemos-rgb-led.fth
0 [if]
\ Open Firmware stuff; omit if you don't need it
fl ${CBP}/ofw/loadofw.fth \ Mostly platform-independent
fl ofw-rootnode.fth \ ESP8266-specific
fl sdspi.fth
-1 value hspi-cs \ -1 to use hardware CS mode, 8 to use pin8 with software
' spi-transfer to spi-out-in
' spi-bits@ to spi-bits-in
: sd-init ( -- )
0 true #100000 hspi-cs spi-open
['] spi-transfer to spi-out-in
['] spi-bits@ to spi-bits-in
" app.dic" save